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发布时间:2018-03-07 14:53

  本文选题:人民陪审员 切入点:独立性 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The jury system after transplanted to China, its development process can be ups and downs. Until today, the people's jury system has become an important part of the judicial system in China, is the main way for the people to participate in the administration of justice. However, since the practice of the people's jury system is not optimistic, "accompany without the common instance without judgment" phenomenon, resulting in the value of the jury system can not be fully realized, and even the people's jury trial that was the appearance of decoration. In China's legislation and judicial practice, the people's jury's lack of independence is the result of people's jury system become main reason why "chicken ribs". Study on improving the people's jury system, after all is to ensure that the people's jury trial play a substantial role in a trial, that the jury should be independent and complete, to really participate in trial activities in people. Jury independence requirements of people's assessors are independent of the subject status of judges, court and other institutions, their participation in the court trial, the exercise of the powers of the jury shall not be subject to any interference factors, must rely solely on their own accumulation of knowledge and life experience to make the corresponding review and judge the people's jury. Independence is reflected in every aspect, from the selection of links to and appraisal are required to reflect the trial independence, in order to reflect the people's jury independence. However, in judicial practice, the people's jury independence problem has been the main causes of hindering the effectiveness of the jury system, the independence of the people's jury can not be optimistic about the situation, serious impact on the nature of the people's jury system. Therefore, it must be independent judges and people's assessors independently compared people's assessors which the independent The meaning and specific content, and closely around the independence and regulations of rich discussion, summarizes the problems and reasons of the lack of independence of people's assessors, put forward suggestions and Countermeasures to improve the independence of the people's assessors. Starting from strengthening the people's jury of their independence, so that it can fully complete. The exercise of the powers of independent views, promote judicial activities smoothly, to achieve a qualitative leap. The jury system with the "people's jury system reform pilot program (hereinafter referred to as the" pilot program > > and <) the people's jury system reform pilot work (hereinafter referred to as the "measures for the implementation of measures for the implementation of the report) the implementation, such as selection of people's assessors assessor system and authority allocation and other reform measures is bound to solve the people's jury independence problem to a certain extent, but to perfect the people's jury Member of independent security mechanism, must continue to adhere to the trial as the center of the reform objectives, and focus on improving the people's jury self cognition, jury trial cases, collegial appraisal rules and differences of settlement mechanism, jurors marking the right of management, neutral jury, the jury duty guarantee system other aspects of the problem above, the center is the focus of the publicity. To solve the jury theory, that make the people's jury jury will exercise its powers independently the concept in the mind; the reasonable definition of the scope of the cases, clearly applicable to the people's jury hearing the case scope and scope, the people's jury trial case scope more reasonable, contribute to the exercise of the powers of attention, the formation of the independent jury opinion; the people's jury clearly should enjoy the right to a jury trial to provide relevant, independent exercise of powers of the jury Convenient conditions, promote the establishment of a scientific and rational deserved jury; the jury review rules and power mechanism, the formation and expression of promoting people's assessors independent opinions; establish a neutral mechanism for the proper management of jurors, promote the people's jury trial status of jury independence; improve the performance guarantee, especially the coordination relationship between as the people's jury and the unit of work is particularly important. Through pertinently put forward the perfect guarantee mechanism of the people's jury independence, promote people's jury independence to play the maximum value.



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