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  本文选题:仲裁第三人 切入点:仲裁 出处:《安徽大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:仲裁虽系当事人双方之间通过达成合意而选取的一种纠纷解决方式,但是实践中却不可避免的会出现仲裁的内容涉及第三方权益的情况,这种情况的日益增多不断引发各种矛盾和冲突,因此,是否需要借鉴于民事诉讼第三人制度所发挥出的现实作用而在仲裁程序中也引入第三人制度逐渐引起了学界的讨论和关注。 对于仲裁第三人问题,各国所持态度不一,我国学界也是如此。尤其在要不要构建仲裁第三人制度、是否存在构建的必要性方面更是存在着巨大的分歧,这种理论界的分歧也直接导致了实践中关于此类相关问题解决方式的混乱。 本文第一部分从国内关于仲裁第三人的概念界定争议入手,对目前学界有关仲裁第三人概念的代表性理论及观点进行了探讨,并在此基础上提出了自己的见解,认为仲裁第三人是指与正在进行的仲裁案件的仲裁标的存在实体法上的牵连关系而加入到仲裁程序中的仲裁协议当事人以外的第三人。此处的仲裁协议当事人是指广义上的当事人,不仅包括仲裁协议表面签字人,还包括因仲裁协议的长臂效力而涵盖的实质当事人。只有实质当事人以外符合条件的第三人才能成为仲裁第三人。 第二部分提出了在我国是否应当构建仲裁第三人制度问题,文章认为,我国是存在构建仲裁第三人制度的必要性的,这是实践的现实迫切需求、也是正当程序的要求和与国际立法接轨的要求,是符合当事人意思自治原则的相对性的,且那些反对设立仲裁第三人制度的理由也是不成立的。 第三部分对容易令人产生混淆的两种制度即诉讼第三人制度和仲裁第三人制度进行了比较研究,探讨了它们之间的联系与区别。具体而言,二者在设立依据、设置目的、价值追求、第三人参加程序的条件和时间方面存在共同之处,但是二者在确定主体的参照标准、权利范围以及存在领域方面的区别也是很明显的。除了诉讼第三人制度,合并仲裁制度的存在也很容易使人产生困惑,让人怀疑构建仲裁第三人制度是否是多余和没必要的。其实,合并仲裁时是存在多个仲裁程序的,而引入仲裁第三人则自始至终只有一个仲裁程序,二者虽存在某种程度上的联系,但区别亦很明显。 第四部分对域外仲裁第三人的相关立法进行了考察,主要从立法模式、第三人的主体范围、第三人参与仲裁程序的情形、第三人加入仲裁程序的条件以及仲裁庭的权限五个大方面介绍了不同国家和仲裁机构的相关规定,并进行了适当的总结,意在批判的基础上通过参考借鉴,探索构建符合我国目前仲裁实际需求的仲裁第三人制度。 最后,文章对我国仲裁第三人制度的具体构建提出了自己的设想,并从立法模式选择、仲裁第三人的参加程序、加入仲裁后的权利义务以及相关的救济制度等方面提出了自己的立法建议。
[Abstract]:Although arbitration is a kind of dispute settlement method chosen by agreement between the parties, it is inevitable in practice that the content of arbitration involves the rights and interests of third parties. The increasing number of such situations has led to various contradictions and conflicts. Whether it is necessary to draw lessons from the practical role of the third party system in civil litigation and to introduce the third party system in the arbitration procedure has gradually aroused the discussion and concern of the academic circles. Different countries hold different attitudes towards the third party in arbitration, and so is the academic circle of our country. Especially, there are great differences in whether to construct the arbitration third party system and whether there is the necessity of constructing it. This kind of theoretical difference also leads to the confusion about the solution of this kind of related problem in practice. The first part of this paper starts with the domestic dispute about the definition of the third party of arbitration, discusses the representative theory and viewpoint of the third party concept of arbitration in academic circles at present, and puts forward its own opinion on this basis. The third party to arbitration refers to a third party other than the party to the arbitration agreement who is involved in substantive law on the subject matter of the arbitration case under way. The parties to the arbitration agreement in this case are. Referring to the parties in a broad sense, It includes not only the superficial signatory of the arbitration agreement, but also the substantive party covered by the long arm effect of the arbitration agreement. Only the third party who meets the conditions other than the substantive party can become the third party of arbitration. The second part raises the question whether we should construct the arbitration third party system in our country, the article thinks that our country has the necessity to construct the arbitration third party system, which is the realistic and urgent need of practice. It is also the requirement of due process and the requirement of conformity with international legislation, which accords with the relativity of the principle of party autonomy, and those reasons against the establishment of arbitration third party system are also untenable. In the third part, the author makes a comparative study of the two systems, the third party system of litigation and the third party system of arbitration, which are easy to cause confusion, and probes into the connection and difference between them. Value pursuit, the conditions and time for the third party to participate in the procedure have common ground, but the difference between the two in determining the subject's reference standard, the scope of the right and the field of existence is also very obvious, except for the litigation third party system. The existence of merger arbitration system is also easy to confuse people and make people doubt whether it is superfluous and unnecessary to construct arbitration third party system. In fact, there are many arbitration procedures in merger arbitration. There is only one arbitration procedure when the third party is introduced into arbitration. Although the two are related to some extent, the difference is also obvious. Part 4th investigates the relevant legislation of the third party in the extraterritorial arbitration, mainly from the legislative model, the scope of the third party's subject, the situation of the third party's participation in the arbitration procedure, The conditions for the third party to join the arbitration procedure and the jurisdiction of the arbitration tribunal in five major aspects introduce the relevant provisions of different countries and arbitration institutions, and make an appropriate summary, in order to use for reference on the basis of criticism. To explore the construction of arbitration third party system in line with the actual needs of arbitration in China. Finally, the article puts forward its own idea on the concrete construction of the third party system of arbitration in our country, and chooses the legislative model and the procedure of participating in the arbitration of the third party. After joining the arbitration, the author puts forward his own legislative suggestions on the rights and obligations of the arbitration as well as the relevant relief system.


相关期刊论文 前10条

1 乔慧娟;;论仲裁第三人[J];北方工业大学学报;2008年02期

2 白雪;;仲裁第三人制度探究[J];长沙航空职业技术学院学报;2006年03期

3 夏蔚;仲裁第三人研究[J];当代法学;2000年05期

4 罗建芳;;仲裁第三人制度的问题分析与程序构建[J];东方企业文化;2010年10期

5 唐敏,邱文英;试论对仲裁案外人合法权益的法律保护[J];福建政法管理干部学院学报;2003年03期

6 侯登华;;仲裁协议的法律性质分析[J];法学杂志;2006年04期

7 郭玉军;;论仲裁第三人[J];法学家;2001年03期

8 林一飞;论仲裁与第三人[J];法学评论;2000年01期

9 萧凯;罗骁;;仲裁第三人的法理基础与规则制定[J];法学评论;2006年05期

10 袁宝;;浅谈国际商事仲裁第三人[J];法制与社会;2010年03期

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1 肖琦;论国际商事仲裁第三人[D];华东政法大学;2011年

2 陈晓萍;我国仲裁第三人制度的构建[D];西南财经大学;2011年

3 徐红;仲裁第三人制度研究[D];中国政法大学;2006年

4 李连宇;论国际商事仲裁中的第三人制度[D];西南政法大学;2006年

5 曹莉;仲裁第三人问题研究[D];上海交通大学;2007年

6 董曙雯;论民商事仲裁第三人[D];郑州大学;2007年

7 王晓青;国际商事仲裁中的第三人问题[D];吉林大学;2009年

8 胡丽晖;仲裁第三人制度研究[D];华东政法大学;2009年

9 何凡;论我国仲裁第三人制度的构建[D];中国政法大学;2010年

10 杨静;国际商事仲裁第三人制度探究[D];沈阳师范大学;2012年




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