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发布时间:2018-03-08 08:29

  本文选题:被告人 切入点:阅卷权 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Marking the right is an important system to obtain sufficient information to realize the design of effective defense, is an important means to protect defendants defense right fully. In pursuing the defendant's lawsuit and the theory of balance between the prosecution and the defense of modern criminal procedure system, the talent is the main marking right, and I have the right to make the right to kiss at present. The defendant, marking the right has been made clear in many international conventions, including the practice of human rights court according to < > settings of the European Convention on human rights has greatly enriched the content of marking the right convention, provides an important reference for improving reading members roll system, in effect the case of confirmed that the defendant's reading right adjust the direction of the criminal procedure law has become a modern country under the rule of law. In this international background, China's legislation still adhere to the traditional idea of "marking right defender", marking system With the perfect setting always focus on defense, but not in direct contact with the defendant files. Scoring issues such rights set has not been able to solve the defendant without counsel, at the same time as marking the right defender in the ownership of the rights order cannot be achieved with the equal rights, making the defenders by marking the right to exercise a lot of restrictions, produced has long been plagued by "marking difficult" problem, the legislation and practice of this operation is worthy of reflection and review. The representative and influence of human rights based on the practice court, through case analysis, the operation of Human Rights Law Institute under the evaluation system are summarized, and as a reference to re-examine the marking right theory. Through combing the law of our country about the marking and theoretical research, analyzes the necessity of the defendant parallel marking right, the legislation gives the defendant reading right sweep Clean up on the barriers of the defendant litigation system combined with our existing litigation system attempts to construct in China. Besides the introduction, the main content of this paper has four parts. The first part is the legislative history of marking the right of our country. This part is divided into two levels, one is the evaluation system of legislative history. From the subject, time, scope, systematically safeguard measures and new breakthroughs in five aspects to our scoring system, and summed up the current evaluation system is to defend people especially the lawyer as the core in this system completely ruled out the possibility of marking the defendant; two is that of current evaluation system, this article from the defence rate is low and the analysis of the three aspects between the defendant and the defendant's trust and defender occupation risk, that the existing scoring system cannot meet the needs of the defense acquisition case information. The two part is about marking the right of ownership dispute. One of the reasons for the development and reform of evaluation system has limitation is lack of theoretical research on the defendant marking the right attention, facing the problems in the judicial practice, and is affected by the extraterritorial marking the right of development, theory and practice first, marking the right attribution on the root nature of the problem raised a big discussion. This paper will summarize the three doctrines: Yuan claims marking the right inherent right to counsel, give the defendant against marking the right to hold the point of view, mainly because of three considerations, one is the law does not give, the two defendant verbal evidence provider three is accused of marking will bring a series of negative consequences. Two Yuan said that the accused is marking the right subject of rights, the defender is marking the right derivative rights, the value of scoring from right, the defendant's legal status and China's defense rate is generally low in the aspects of judicial status and demonstrated the legitimacy of marking the right. Give the defendant said multiple support two Yuan said the defendant's right of marking, and on this basis that the close relatives of the defendant should be entitled to the rights and interests of all parties, but based on the consideration of the defendant, can last the rights of relatives set a limit. The third part is the processing mode of the European Court of human rights. This part is the main content of this paper is divided into three levels: first, brief introduction of "the European Convention on human rights" and the European Court of human rights, in the provisions within the necessary explanation and interpretation. The establishment and function of the European Court of human rights. In second, many related cases based on sorting out the processing mode about marking the right of the European Court of human rights, the object appears in marking the right court of human rights is the state has taken Have or may obtain all information, and the defendant is the main marking right, admits that the defender marking the right of two party rights, will be regarded as a whole. The time of exercising the right of file with the same time by the accused, but for people who may be affected by the defendant at the appropriate relaxation reading right. Court of human rights that marking the right can be restricted, need to be in order to limit the interests of specific marking of the exercise of the right, but the restriction is marking the right of exception, shall be subject to reasonable procedures to be clear. If the marking right is infringed, Member States shall provide remedy for the defendant. Third, review of Europe court of human rights from the perspective of marking the right, a basic contour marking right on the basis of a part on the analysis of the differences between the court of human rights and members of legal logic in the defendant marking on the right, and its operation Make a brief evaluation mode. The fourth part is the construction of marking the right of our country. This part consists of two parts, the first is the whole idea of the system, the response to debate about marking the right ownership above, puts forward the overall idea of this paper is to build the system, marking the ownership of the defendant to admit the premise, two the main element of the defendant and counsel jointly exercising the right of file marking system, and expounds the necessity to give the defendant and defense counsel marking the right reserved marking right, to provide theoretical support for the whole idea. The second is the construction of the specific system, in our existing litigation system, extraterritorial main fusion is the specific operation of the court of human rights, try from the subject, scope, time, five aspects of building accords with the present situation of our country's judicial relief system, marking the location and ways of infringement.



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