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发布时间:2018-03-08 19:15

  本文选题:服刑人员 切入点:财产权 出处:《贵州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Prison inmates, also known as criminals, are convicted and sentenced by the judicial authorities according to law for committing a criminal act. In order to maintain social stability and order and protect the legitimate rights and interests of other citizens, and in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law of our country, the state judicial organs must restrict or deprive some of the rights of prisoners. In order to punish crimes... However, according to the scientific view of crime: first, the prisoners are ordinary people, and most of them are citizens of our country; secondly, the prisoners are citizens who have committed crimes and have been sentenced in accordance with the law; finally, As a citizen of the people's Republic of China, prisoners should be deprived of by the judicial organs according to law. Property rights, as a fundamental human right of citizens, are the basis of human rights, as well as other such as freedoms, The material guarantee for the realization of fundamental human rights such as equality. In the constitutional amendment passed by the National people's Congress on 2004, it is clearly stipulated that "the legitimate private property of citizens shall not be infringed." therefore, whether from the perspective of safeguarding the rights of citizens, From the point of view of actively reforming the prisoners and returning them to society smoothly, the prisoners should enjoy property rights that have not been deprived by law. However, in the current prison work practice, due to the particularity of the status and the environment of the prisoners, First of all, due to the one-sidedness of the law and the particularity of the prison environment, we often pay more attention to the protection of the personal and labor rights of the prisoners. The right to education and other political rights are often ignored by the law on the protection of the property rights of prisoners. Secondly, prisoners are those who have been punished by punishment, although they have rights such as the right to correspondence and the right to meet with the outside world to ensure their interaction with the outside world. However, due to the particularity of their identity and environment, the channel of communication between the prisoners and the outside world is relatively single. Then, if the property rights of the prisoners are infringed, according to the current legal provisions, The right to complain and complain must be exercised through a prison or a prison guard. However, the prison or prison guard is the executor of the penalty, and the person serving the sentence is the person to be executed. There is a huge difference between the two. Especially for complaints or complaints against prisons or prison guards, if there is no other supervision or restriction, then the right to these two remedies is virtually empty. Finally, our country has implemented a system of integration of prison and enterprise for many years. The functions of prison enterprises are too closely linked with the administrative functions of prisons. Many prisons are pursuing maximum economic benefits at the same time. It is common for prisoners to engage in excessive time, intensity, physical strength, high-risk operations, etc., if they are physically injured at work, That makes us unable to fully ensure the right to economic compensation for prisoners. Moreover, there is no unified national standard on the level of remuneration for the work of prisoners. There are various problems in the payment of labor remuneration. This article focuses on the practical reasons for this situation, and attempts to explore the solution from the legislative and practical aspects, so as to truly protect the basic rights and interests of prisoners from unlawful infringement. The ultimate goal of a true state ruled by law.


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