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发布时间:2018-03-08 20:40

  本文选题:商标普通被许可人 切入点:诉之利益 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:依照我国《最高人民法院关于审理商标民事纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》(以下简称《商标法解释》)第四条的规定,当发生第三人侵犯注册商标的行为时,商标普通被许可人要想以原告身份提起诉讼必须得到注册商标所有人的授权,没有得到授权的,不可以提起诉讼。现实生活中面对他人侵权,商标权人可能基于某些原因既不授权被许可人起诉也不自行提起诉讼,在这样的情况下,普通被许可人就不能对侵权行为提起诉讼。面对权利受损却得不到应有的救济,这不禁让我们思考我国关于商标普通被许可人的法律规定是否不够完善。因此,作者以“商标普通被许可人的诉讼地位”为题,对我国商标普通被许可人诉讼地位的现状和产生原因的进行思考,提出在二元知识产权结构下分析商标被许可人的当事人适格问题,并在借鉴日本、德国、英国、法国等国家相关立法经验的基础上,提出完善我国商标普通被许可人诉讼地位的思考。全文共分六个部分: 第一部分,商标普通许可概述。本部分作者简要介绍了商标普通许可的概念和特征,并探讨了商标侵权的性质,为下文关于普通被许可人诉讼地位问题做铺垫。 第二部分,司法实践对我国司法解释的挑战。本部分分析我国目前现状,以及我国相关法律如此规定的原因,在此基础上进一步说明当下法律规定存在的问题,主要表现在:有权利无救济;司法实践认识不一,判决书不统一;相关问题缺乏法律规定;损害赔偿额难以确定。 第三部分,商标普通被许可人的权利性质探讨。通过对普通被许可人的权利性质的分析探讨,在二元知识产权结构下分析诉讼地位问题。 第四部分,商标普通被许可人的诉讼地位研究。本部分作者在二元知识产权体系的视角下以诉之利益说分析商标普通被许可人的当事人适格问题;另一方面对目前一些学者提出的诉权约定制度进行探讨研究。 第五部分,外国相关立法经验的比较研究。本部分主要介绍日本、英国以及德国和法国的相关制度规定,通过系统梳理各国的立法经验,寻求完善我国商标普通被许可人诉讼地位可供借鉴的经验。 第六部分,完善我国商标普通被许可人诉讼地位的思考。本部分立足前文探讨的理论基础,借鉴国外相关立法经验,并且结合我国现状提出完善建议:建议以“二元知识产权体系”理论为基础,建立完整的知识产权体系;建立被许可人参加诉讼制度;增加被许可人提起诉讼的既判力规定。
[Abstract]:In accordance with the provisions of Article 4th of the Supreme people's Court of our country concerning the interpretation of certain issues applicable to the law applicable to handling cases of trademark civil disputes (hereinafter referred to as "the interpretation of the Trademark Law"), when an act of a third party infringing a registered trademark occurs, A trademark general licensee who wants to sue as a plaintiff must be authorized by the owner of the registered trademark. If he is not authorized, he may not bring a lawsuit. The trademark owner may, for some reason, neither authorize the licensee to sue nor initiate an action on his own initiative, in which case the ordinary licensee cannot bring an action for infringement. This makes us wonder whether the legal provisions on the general licensee of trademark in our country are not perfect. Therefore, the author takes "the litigation status of the general licensee of trademark" as the title. In this paper, the author thinks about the current situation and causes of litigation status of trademark licensees in China, and puts forward to analyze the parties' suitability of trademark licensees under the dual intellectual property structure, and draws lessons from Japan, Germany and Britain. On the basis of the relevant legislative experience of France and other countries, this paper puts forward some thoughts on how to improve the litigation status of the general licensee of trademark in China. The full text is divided into six parts:. In the first part, the author briefly introduces the concept and characteristics of trademark general license, and discusses the nature of trademark infringement, which lays the groundwork for the following litigation status of the general licensee. The second part, the challenge of judicial practice to the judicial interpretation of our country. This part analyzes the present situation of our country, and the reason why the relevant laws of our country so stipulate, and on this basis further explains the problems existing in the current legal provisions. The main performance is: have the right no remedy; the judicial practice cognition is different, the judgment is not unified; the related question lacks the legal stipulation; the damage compensation is difficult to determine. In the third part, the author discusses the nature of trademark general licensee's rights, and analyzes the litigation status under the dual intellectual property structure through the analysis of the general licensee's right nature. Part 4th, the research on the litigation status of trademark general licensee. The author analyzes the parties' suitability of trademark general licensee from the perspective of dual intellectual property system. On the other hand, some scholars put forward the contractual system of litigation. Part 5th, the comparative study of relevant foreign legislative experience. This part mainly introduces the relevant system provisions of Japan, Britain, Germany and France, through systematically combing the legislative experience of various countries. Seeking to improve the litigation status of trademark general licensee can be used for reference. Part 6th, the consideration of perfecting the litigation status of the general licensee of trademark in China. This part bases on the theoretical basis of the previous discussion, and draws lessons from the relevant legislative experience of foreign countries. According to the present situation of our country, some suggestions are put forward: to establish a complete intellectual property system based on the theory of "dual intellectual property system"; to establish a licensee to participate in litigation system; and to increase the res judicata provisions of litigations filed by licensees.


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