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发布时间:2018-03-09 06:23

  本文选题:仲裁机构 切入点:法律功能 出处:《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》2016年02期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The continuous expansion of the legal function of our country's arbitration institutions has become the bottleneck that hinders the progress of our country's arbitration legal system. The legal functions of the arbitration institutions are mainly manifested in the nature of the arbitration institutions determining the nationality of the arbitration awards. The behavior of the arbitration institution determines the validity of the arbitration award, the arbitration institution erodes the right of arbitration to determine the jurisdictional objection, the law of the seat of the arbitration institution determines the validity of the arbitration agreement, and so on. At the same time, the system development and practice constantly challenge and dissimilate the legislation. The norms of arbitration institutions show a trend of fragmentation. The arbitration system, which centers on institutional arbitration, compares the arbitration institutions to the courts, Ignoring the particularity of international commercial arbitration is the main reason why the legal function of the arbitration institution is strengthened. Its consequence is that it affects the exertion of the arbitration function, is not conducive to the internationalization of China's arbitration, and is also the litigation of arbitration. The reform of the law should focus on weakening the legal function of the arbitration institution and promoting the legal function of the "arbitral tribunal" and "place of arbitration". The specific path includes the deletion of the classification of the arbitration institution. It weakens the power of the arbitration institution to intervene in the arbitration procedure and the influence of the law of the place of the arbitration institution on the arbitration agreement and the arbitration award.
【作者单位】: 华东政法大学国际法学院;


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