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发布时间:2018-03-09 19:31

  本文选题:中止侦查 切入点:侦查障碍 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The suspension of investigation is a kind of "unconventional" criminal procedure which is only applied when the investigation obstacle appears. This system is urgently needed in the practice of handling cases, but it has not got a "correct name" in legislation. In order to solve this problem, the Supreme people's Procuratorate has solved this problem. In the former rules of Criminal procedure of the people's Procuratorate, a useful attempt was made in the form of judicial interpretation on the conditions and procedures for suspending and resuming investigations. In January 2013, the New Criminal procedure Law was amended and put into effect. In order to adapt to the new law, the Supreme people's Procuratorate has systematically revised the Criminal procedure rules of the people's Procuratorate. Including the deletion of relevant provisions relating to the suspension of investigations. However, obstacles to investigation will exist objectively at this stage and for a long period of time to come. If there are no relevant countermeasures in the design of the investigation system, It will make the procuratorate's case handlers have no law to deal with when the investigation obstacle does not appear. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to reconstruct the investigation suspension system within the current legal system, and on the basis of the original suspension of the investigation system, to elaborate and design the conditions for the suspension of the investigation. In order to complete our criminal investigation system, the examination and approval procedure of investigation and the condition and procedure of resuming investigation are suspended.


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