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发布时间:2018-03-09 21:27

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 切入点:法官 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The judge is the facts of the case and make a final judgment only subject, is only the main command and guide the trial activities smoothly advance. The judge by the commanding power of criminal prosecution to court order management, grasp the rhythm, to guide the actions of both sides, the judge of this power to ensure the trial activities orderly, smooth, can not be replace the role of efficient operation. The judge proceedings both procedural justice and litigation benefit two value target, the theory of procedural justice and litigation benefit theory for judges exercise this power to lay down a legal theory, deep foundation. From the perspective of control rights, the provisions of our Constitution, the procuratorial organ is the legal supervision organs in China the procuratorial organs shall supervise the judge proceedings, state the right and the right of trial supervision contradictory conflict; from the perspective of protecting rights, should avoid the command Excessive expansion of rights and expansion, protect the defendant's legitimate rights and interests, therefore, provide strong support to the effective exercise of the constitutional principle of decentralization theory and the theory of human rights for judges. China proceedings are not confined to the targeted provisions of judicial criminal proceedings command, let the judges enjoy greater autonomy. In the specific operation, so that the right of out of court investigation judge arbitrariness, the judge's interpretation right is not clear, the litigant remedy lack of legal supervision of the procuratorial organ the right to influence the judge the commanding power of criminal prosecution to exercise and participate in trial activities in violation of the rules of the court judge hinder the commanding power of criminal prosecution exercise etc. a series of problems. The judge to exercise the commanding power of criminal prosecution, to not violate the command of the proceedings for the purpose of the premise, give full play to the initiative and creativity, but this initiative and innovation Creative play is not arbitrary and without restraint, control let the judges play action command and program function, the judges need to follow the following principles: the principle of neutrality, the principle of presumption of innocence, the principle of equality and the principle of separation of prosecution and trial. At present, in order to maintain the rights and interests of litigants, promote the trial procedure stability. In order to judge the investigative power from the entity specification, from the right to relief by the parties to the litigation command objection. In order to make the judge the commanding power of criminal prosecution system to form an independent and complete system, in the construction of this system, not only from the content of the system and relief aspects, at the same time need the appropriate supporting measures. With clear evidence the evidence system and judgment scale, avoid the procedure without undue delay, easy to judge to guide both parties around dispute At the debate, but also can restrict and regulate the judge to exercise command. The rules of evidence to guide the judicial practice, orderly, can achieve trial stabilization and construction rules of evidence system from the norms of evidence and proof of the criminal evidence system and standardize the certificate according to the two aspects of the application program of the rules of criminal evidence system as a specific subject. The judge to exercise the commanding power of criminal prosecution, judges occupation directly determines the effect of the exercise of the right to litigation command. The judge occupation not only includes the judge's personal accomplishment, occupation ethics, professional knowledge level, also includes the exquisite adept litigation command art, thus to improve the command of the judge, the judge needs to cultivate the occupation, with the judicial practice in our country, we need to take measures to, including the construction of judicial system, judicial responsibility system, standardize the selection system of judge And the reform of the judge standard of performance assessment. Judge's interpretation right, can realize the harmonization of substantive justice and procedural justice. Construction of judgeinterpretation need to clarify the specific contents of interpretation right, clear the right of interpretation way, establish the restriction mechanism of the interpretation right. Cancel the legal supervision of the procuratorial organ has the right. Practical significance: on the one hand, can make the procuratorial personnel open-minded, seriously listen, accept the judge's command, the legal status of the judge is not too much about the supervision of prosecutors and delayed in the command; on the other hand, cancel the legal supervision of prosecution, prosecutors can really implement the status of the party and realize the equality between prosecution and defense.



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