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发布时间:2018-03-11 10:34

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 切入点:交叉询问 出处:《吉林大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国刑事审判方式改革的发展,刑事庭审中的交叉询问制度必然成为理论与实务关注的焦点。我国现行刑事诉讼立法与司法解释中已经规定了交叉询问制度的框架与基本构造,但呈现交叉询问的主体多元复杂,交叉询问的对象地位不同、交叉询问的方式不明确、交叉询问的顺序含混不清、交叉询问规则的简陋粗糙、交叉询问制与法官职权审问制并存等特点。司法实践中也出现交叉询问的适用范围有限、交叉询问的程序性不强、不当询问现象突出、职权询问色彩浓厚等问题。究其原因,是传统的诉讼理念、非对抗式的诉讼文化与交叉询问配套制度缺乏综合影响的结果。 域外交叉询问制度的运行与发展呈现出不同的样态和发展模式,可以为我国法律制度的发展提供借鉴。交叉询问制度根植于当事人主义诉讼模式,因具有深厚的理论基础与坚实的制度支撑而具有丰富的内容。而在职权主义的德国,由于无法处理跨文化制度移植与传统国家观念和诉讼构造的矛盾,交叉询问已经变成“文献中”的词语,在实务中几乎不发挥作用。日本、我国台湾地区以落实当事人进行主义的精神为主,并彰显法院依职权调查证据的辅助性质,形成了控辩双方的“交叉询问”为主,法官的”职权询问”为补充的混合式交叉询问制度。 我国交叉询问制度的进一步完善和发展是庭审充分发现真实的必然要求,是实现控辩双方地位平等的必然要求,也是顺应国际司法准则发展的必然要求。同时,我国社会主义市场经济的发展和逐步深化、人民民主权利意识的逐步形成与发展、法律制度的不断完善与发展都为交叉询问制度的进一步完善提供了良好的物质基础、社会保障与制度支持。我国未来交叉询问制度的发展应借鉴混合式交叉询问制度模式,以突出刑事被告人的诉讼主体地位为目标,重新设定对被告人的交叉询问程序,,在合理定位刑事被害人诉讼地位的基础上选择适用于刑事被害人的交叉询问规则,增强控辩双方的主体地位,维护交叉询问的对抗格局。在保留法官职权询问的同时弱化法官在庭审中的职权色彩,强调其对交叉询问的必要补充。 我国交叉询问制度的构建应首先明确交叉询问制度的立法层次。基于交叉询问的权利属性,应在宪法中将交叉询问作为基本权利赋予刑事被告人;基于交叉询问的规则属性,应在刑事司法规范层面对交叉询问制度的本体要素进行规范性的完善,订立相应的交叉询问规则。其次,就具体内容而言,我国交叉询问制度主体应包括公诉机关、刑事诉讼的当事人及其代理人与辩护人;交叉询问的对象包括刑事被告人、刑事被害人、证人、鉴定人、有专门知识的人、侦查人员;交叉询问应采用问答式为主、叙述式与问答式相结合的方式;交叉询问的进行顺序应遵循“传者先问”与“次第进行”的原则,明确“主询问——反询问——再次主询问——再次反询问”的顺序及范围。同时,根据各阶段不同的适用目的建立具体适用规则;对违反交叉询问规则的行为应赋予相对方提出异议等各项救济途径。 我国交叉询问制度的良好运转,还有赖于一系列程序和制度的配套和保障,对于交叉询问制度的借鉴或移植,不能仅仅着眼于法庭调查顺序和方式的改变,而应将交叉询问制度赖以发挥作用的制度一并予以确立或进行适应于我国国情的设计。对于我国而言,交叉询问配套制度的完善主要应包括证据开示制度的建立、刑事法律援助制度的发展、证人出庭作证制度的完善等等。
[Abstract]:With the development of the reform of China's criminal trial, cross examination system in the criminal trial will become the focus of attention of theory and practice. The framework of the cross examination system and the basic structure has been stipulated in our criminal procedure legislation and judicial interpretation, but has asked the main cross complex, different cross examination object position, cross examination is not clear, the order of mixed cross examination, simple cross examination rules of rough, cross examination system and the authority of judge inquisitorial system coexist. The judicial practice also appeared in the scope of cross examination, cross examination procedure is not strong, ask the improper phenomenon prominent, strong sense of authority to ask questions. The reason is the traditional concept of litigation, non adversarial litigation culture and cross examination system is lack of comprehensive influence result.
Outside the operation and development of the system of cross examination showed the patterns and different models of development, can provide reference for the development of the legal system of our country. The cross examination system is rooted in the adversary system, which has rich content has profound theoretical basis and solid support system. And in terms of Germany, because the contradiction cannot handle cross cultural system transplantation and traditional national concept and structure of litigation, cross examination has become the "Literature" of the word, in practice almost does not play a role. Japan and China's Taiwan region to implement the party spirit, and highlight the court in accordance with the terms of the investigation of evidence supporting nature, the formation of the the two sides of the "cross examination", "the judge asked" hybrid powers to complement the cross examination system.
China's further improvement and development of cross examination system is fully necessary for finding the real trial, is to realize the equal status of the two parties must also comply with the requirements, the inevitable requirement of international standards development. At the same time, the development of our socialist market economy and gradually deepening gradually, the formation and development of the people's democratic rights consciousness, constantly the development and perfection of the legal system to further improve the cross examination system provides a good material basis, the social security system. With the support of our country in the future development of the cross examination system should learn from the mixed type cross examination system model, in order to highlight the criminal defendant's lawsuit status as the goal, re set on the defendant's cross the inquiry procedure, cross examination rules based on the criminal victim litigation status on the reasonable position of choice for criminal victims, enhanced control double defense The main body position of the party maintains the confrontation pattern of cross examination. While retaining the judge's power and inquiries, it also weakens the judges' authority and color in court trial, and emphasizes its necessary complement to cross examination.
In our country the construction of cross examination system should first clear legislative level of cross examination system. Based on the right of cross examination, should be the cross examination as the basic rights of criminal defendants; rule properties based on cross examination, should be in the criminal judicial norms in the cross examination system of ontology elements of normative perfect. A cross examination rules accordingly. Secondly, on the specific contents, China's cross examination system should include the subject of public prosecution, criminal litigation of the parties and their agents and defense; the object of cross examination including criminal defendants, criminal victims, witnesses, appraisers, with specialized knowledge, the investigators should cross examination; the quiz, quiz and narrative combination; the cross order should follow the "first ask" and "the time of" The principle of "anti - clear main question to ask, again ask again reverse order and scope of inquiry". At the same time, according to the different stages of the application to establish specific rules; to violate the rules of cross inquiry behavior should be given other objections. As a way of relief.
Good operation of our system of cross examination, supporting and security also depends on a series of procedure and system, the cross examination system for reference or transplantation, not merely focus on the court investigation order and way, but will play the role of the cross examination system's system should also be established or design suitable for me country. In our country, improve the supporting system of the main cross examination should be established to include the discovery of evidence system, the development of criminal legal aid system, witness system perfect and so on.



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