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发布时间:2018-03-11 10:03

  本文选题:民国时期 切入点:有利被告原则 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:民国成立,法制未定,故初期较多援用清末修律之成果,有利被告原则的内容也被相应援用并运用于实践,于近代中国人权保障有开创性意义。 有利被告原则起源于古罗马法“有疑,为被告人之利益”之法谚,其法律表达为古罗马法疑罪从无、一事不再理、程序正义、辩护制度等相关原则与制度。故其内涵可概括为案件存在事实认定或法律认定的疑问时,宜采有利被告之选择。 民国政府相继经历了南京临时政府、北京政府以及南京国民政府三个历史阶段,故有利被告原则的法律确立也经历了这三个时期的发展,相关原则与制度更为完善,如无罪推定原则、司法独立原则、律师制度、检察制度以及证据制度等。人权保障的观念得到空前重视,民主、法治的精神广为传播。然制度发展并不是一帆风顺的,过程中也曾出现违背有利被告思想的单行法及特别法,甚至出现倒退的状况,这都是特定历史时期的必然表现,特别是南京国民政府时期“党治”色彩浓厚,以党治国成为立法原则及指导思想,特别是在针对共产党人所制定的一系列单行法规中彻底抛弃了人权观念,甚至将法律作为其控制共产党人之武器,设立感化院、反省院等完全不利被告的制度,使得该时期的刑事法律极端法西斯化。 此外,有利被告原则在这三个时期的实施情况也应辩证地看待。有因为社会关注度高而合理运用该原则之姚荣泽案,有严格依照法律保障被告合法权益之日本邮便局包裹案,也有迫于舆论压力而不得不贯彻该原则之七君子案,但也有任意操纵司法罔顾该原则之恶性案件。然新事物之发展都是呈螺旋式上升的,有利被告原则的实施虽遭遇重重困难,但该原则的精神以及司法上人人平等的人权观念却在众多司法者的努力下深入人心。 由是以言,民国时期有利被告原则的实施亮点足以为训,如司法实践中的人道主义、实行无罪推定否定司法专横、精英司法等,然其实施的不足也应引以为鉴,,如流于律文表面的司法公开公正、行政干预司法、专制统治的特别立法等。以古观今,当前司法改革重心之一即是保障人权,故有利被告原则的确立至为关键,因为没有相应的司法制度作为依托,人权保障只能是“镜中花、水中月”。同样只有切实贯彻执行有利被告原则的相关制度,才能有效预防冤假错案的发生。
[Abstract]:Since the founding of the Republic of China, the rule of law has not yet been established. Therefore, many of the early amendments to the rule of law were used in the late Qing Dynasty, and the contents of the defendant's principles were also applied and applied to practice, which is of pioneering significance in modern China's human rights protection.
The defendant principle originated from the ancient Rome law "is doubtful for the interests of the defendant of saying the legal expression of the ancient Rome law conflict, idem, procedural justice, the principle of the defense system and related system. So its connotation can be summarized as the case facts or legal confirmation question when the defendant should be selected.
The government of the Republic of China experienced the Nanjing provisional government, Beijing government and Nanjing national government in three stages, the establishment of legal principle for the defendant has also experienced the development of the three stages, the related principle and system more perfect, such as the principle of presumption of innocence, judicial independence principle, legal system, procuratorial system, evidence system etc. the protection of human rights. The concept received unprecedented attention, democracy, rule of law is widely spread. However, system development is not in the process of Everything is going smoothly., had a law against the defendant thought and special law, and even reverse the situation, it is inevitable manifestation of a specific historical period, especially during the period of Nanjing national government "party rule" yidangzhiguo become strong, legislative principles and guidelines, especially in a series of special regulations for the Communist Party in completely abandoned the idea of human rights Even as the control law, the Communist Party of the weapons, the establishment of reformatory, reflect completely against the accused hospital system, makes the period of criminal legal Fascistization extreme.
In addition, the defendant principle should dialectically in the implementation of the three period. Because of the high degree of social concern and rational use of the principle of the Yao Rongze case, is in strict accordance with the law to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Japanese post office parcel case, also under the pressure of public opinion and to carry out the principle of seven case but there are also, arbitrary control of the principle of judicial disregard for malignant cases. However, the development of new things are spiraling, the implementation of the defendant principle although encounter difficulties, but the spirit of the principle of equality and justice of the concept of human rights is deeply rooted in many judicial efforts.
By using words, the implementation period of the Republic of China highlights the defendant principle enough for training, such as the judicial practice of humanitarian, presumed innocent denial judicature, judicial elite, but the lack of implementation should also learn a lesson, such as a law article surface public judicial justice, judicial administrative intervention, autocratic rule of special legislation. To view this, one of the current focus of judicial reform is to protect the human rights, the establishment of the principle of the defendant is crucial, because there is no corresponding legal system as the basis, the protection of human rights can only be "flowers in the mirror, moon in the water." the same only related system and effectively implement the principle of the defendant, to prevent miscarriages of justice the occurrence.



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6 吴爽;;再论存疑有利于被告原则的适用界限[J];刑法论丛;2010年03期




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