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发布时间:2018-03-11 09:35

  本文选题:沃伦法院 切入点:公共政策 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The Supreme Court of the United States during the Warren Court was making sure that it "interpreted the Constitution and the law." On the basis of the judicial function of maintaining the unity of law, the political function has been strengthened through judicial intervention in many public problems that need to be solved, and the creative function of public policy has been developed in the form of political function. That allowed the Warren Court to play an important role in the political development of the United States, greatly promoting equality, The maintenance and pursuit of freedom and rights. The Warren Court, guided by the concept of judicial freedom, intervened in public policies that should have been resolved by the government, and passed judicial review. In order to influence the role of public policies made by the government in social life, there are four parts in this paper: the first part, the main content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the first part, which can influence the role of the public policy made by the government in the social life. This paper summarizes the public problems faced by the Supreme Court of the United States during the Warren Court period. After World War II, the United States is in the era of maintaining domestic security. At this time, since the Supreme Court of the United States in the period of the Wenson Court, the Supreme Court of the United States pursued the concept of judicial restraint, Thus, to a certain extent, it also led to the expansion of the powers of the executive and the legislature. As a result, many long-standing racial issues in the United States, The issue of violations of civil rights and freedoms was rife between 1953 and 1969, when Warren became Chief Justice. Part two, This paper analyzes the political function of the Supreme Court of the United States. The most important duty of the Supreme Court with judicial power is to resolve disputes and apply the judicial function of the law, but with the expansion of judicial power, The judicial function of the Federal Supreme Court began to extend to the political function of safeguarding the state system, restricting the state power, forming public policies and other forms of political functions, thus requiring the intervention of the Federal Supreme Court in political life. Although the early concept of judicial independence required the Federal Supreme Court to challenge "political issues", the determination of political functions and the legitimacy of theory also contributed to the strengthening of political functions by the Federal Supreme Court. Then, through the theoretical analysis of the court's public policy, it explains the legitimacy of the court's formation of public policy and its advantages over other organs. The third part, This paper summarizes the ways in which the Supreme Court of the United States carried out public policy during the Warren Court period. There are three ways in which the court carries out public policy: the first is judicial review. From the scope of judicial review by the Federal Supreme Court and the boundaries to be followed; the second is to create precedents, from the subject of setting precedents, The process and effectiveness of the Federal Supreme Court in the implementation of public policy in the exercise of the attention of the problems; the third is the interpretation of the law, through the analysis of the subject and necessity of legal interpretation, Highlighting the necessity for the Federal Supreme Court to execute public policy. Part 4th discusses the impact of Warren Court's public policy enforcement on future generations. Berg's Court, as the successor to Warren's Court, is bound to be affected. Only in the choice of public policy implementation of the way to the later transformation to the concept of judicial restraint under the guidance of the Berg court less use of judicial review and more use of legal interpretation to implement public policy. This reduces conflicts with public policy, and the court's treatment of the relationship between justice and policy is deeply influenced.


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