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发布时间:2018-03-11 20:37

  本文选题:未成年犯 切入点:轻罪 出处:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存制度旨在防范未成年人犯罪后被“标签化”的负面效应,避免未成年犯在再社会化过程中受阻,因而有利于保护未成年犯的权益。通过对未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存制度的理论、立法与实践的研究,发现该项制度在立法上和实践中存在的不足,并提出完善的建议,是本项研究工作的初衷。 为了实现这一目的,本项研究工作分为如下几个部分: 开头部分是绪论。绪论部分交代了研究目的和意义、现阶段的研究成果、本课题的研究方法、创新等,作为全文研究工作的起点。 第一部分是未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存的基本问题。本部分主要对未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存的相关重要概念、法律价值、与相关制度的区别与联系等展开分析,目的是更好地了解未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存制度本身。 第二部分是我国未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存制度的运行状况。本部分以实证分析的视角考察了2012年《刑事诉讼法》修订之前各地司法机关在未成年人犯罪记录封存实践中的各种做法,特别结合W市相关区县的做法进行了总结,发现各地正积极开展调研或细则制定工作,在《刑事诉讼法》第二百七十五条的框架内积极开展了未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存实践,各地实践路径相仿的同时,也各有特点,反映了基层司法机关的积极性和创造性。 第三部分是国外未成年人轻罪犯罪记录制度之借鉴。本部分主要考察了两大法系相关国家和地区在未成年人犯罪记录制度上的立法例和实践中做法,发现两大法系普遍倾向于犯罪记录消灭而不是犯罪记录封存,但是犯罪记录封存作为犯罪记录消灭的过渡阶段。国外未成年人犯罪记录制度详尽、丰富,值得我国借鉴。 第四部分我国未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存制度的规则细化。本部分主要针对我国当前未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存制度中存在的不足提出了一些完善的意见,特别对未成年人轻罪犯罪记录封存的撤销、法律程序、法律责任以及该项制度与其他相关制度的衔接提出了一些建设性的意见。
[Abstract]:The purpose of the system of keeping records of minor misdemeanours is to prevent the negative effects of "tagging" juvenile delinquents, and to avoid the obstruction of juvenile delinquents in the process of re-socialization. Therefore, it is advantageous to protect the rights and interests of juvenile delinquents. Through the study of the theory, legislation and practice of the system of sealing and storing the records of minor misdemeanours, the author finds out the shortcomings of the system in legislation and practice, and puts forward some suggestions for perfection. Is the original intention of this research work. To this end, the study is divided into the following parts:. The first part is the introduction. The introduction explains the purpose and significance of the research, the current research results, the research methods of this topic, innovation, etc., as the starting point of the full text research work. The first part is the basic problem of minor misdemeanor record sealing. This part mainly analyzes the related important concept, legal value, the difference and connection between minor misdemeanor record and relevant system. The purpose is to better understand the minor minor crime record sealing system itself. The second part is the state of operation of the system of closing and storing minor minor crime record in our country. This part examines the record of juvenile delinquency before the revision of criminal procedure law in 2012 from the perspective of empirical analysis. Various practices in the practice of sealing, In particular, combining the practice of relevant districts and counties in W City, it is found that various localities are actively conducting investigations or formulating detailed rules, and actively carrying out the practice of keeping records of minor misdemeanours within the framework of Article 275th of the Code of Criminal procedure. Local practice path is similar, but also has its own characteristics, reflecting the enthusiasm and creativity of the grassroots judiciary. The third part is the reference of foreign minor misdemeanor record system. This part mainly investigates the legislation and practice of the minor criminal record system in the countries and regions of the two major legal systems. It is found that the two major legal systems generally prefer the elimination of criminal records rather than the sealing of criminal records, but the sealing of criminal records is the transitional stage of the elimination of criminal records. The foreign juvenile criminal record system is detailed and rich, which is worthy of our country's reference. The 4th part of our country minor minor misdemeanor record seal system rule refinement. This part mainly has put forward some perfect suggestions in view of our country present minor minor crime record sealing and storing system existence insufficiency, In particular, some constructive suggestions are put forward on the cancellation of the records of minor misdemeanours, legal procedure, legal liability and the connection between the system and other related systems.


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