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发布时间:2018-03-12 22:14

  本文选题:人权保障 切入点:侦查 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:刑事诉讼中的人权保障问题一直以来都是被各个国家普遍关注的国际性课题,也是法学界关注的重点,这主要是因为刑事诉讼法保证刑法的实施,而刑法中的刑罚则是限制或者剥夺犯罪人权利的最为严厉的制裁措施。2013年1月1日,我国新修改的《刑事诉讼法》正式实施,《刑事诉讼法修正案》(以下简称“刑诉修正案”)最大的亮点之一就是在基本原则部分加入了“尊重和保障人权”,,这一基本原则的加入,使得公安机关、检察机关和审判机关在惩罚犯罪的同时,必须把“尊重和保障人权”放在同等的位置。为了实现“尊重和保障人权“这一基本理念,刑诉修正案在刑事案件的各个诉讼阶段都围绕这一基本理念进行修改,这必定对对犯罪的侦查产生重大影响。 本文围绕着刑事诉讼法的修改这一重大的法学界的事件,阐述了加强人权保障对侦查的影响,并针对这些影响提出相应的应对策略。本文分为四部分: 第一部分:人权保障概述。首先对人权的基本概念作出一个简要的概述,然后再此基础上再论述人权保障与刑事诉讼的关系。 第二部分:刑诉修正案加强人权保障的基本内容。该部分主要从刑事诉讼法的基本原则、辩护制度、证据制度、强制措施、侦查程序以及特别程序六个方面的修改来概括了这些内容是如何体现了人权保障的加强。 第三部分:刑诉修正案加强人权保障对侦查的影响。该部分主要是在第二部分的基础上,进一步阐述了刑诉修正案加强人权保障对公安机关和检察机关这两个侦查机关带来了哪些机遇,同时对它们提出哪些新的挑战。 第四部分:抓住机遇,应对挑战,依法、有效展开侦查。该部分主要是针对第三部分提出的一些应对措施。主要从更新侦查理念、培养侦查人员的良好素质以及提高侦查能力、转变侦查模式、加强基础建设、完善技术侦查措施与侦查监督机制六个方面作出了相应的应对策略,要求侦查机关既要紧紧抓住刑诉修正案所带来的机遇,又要采取一定的措施来应对新的挑战。
[Abstract]:The protection of human rights in criminal proceedings has always been an international issue of general concern to all countries, and also a focus of attention in the field of law. This is mainly because the criminal procedure law guarantees the implementation of criminal law. The penalty in the criminal law is the most severe sanction for restricting or depriving the perpetrator of his rights. In January 1st 2013, The newly amended Criminal procedure Law has been formally implemented in China. One of the greatest highlights of the Amendment to the Criminal procedure Law (hereinafter referred to as "Criminal procedure Amendment") is to add "respect and protect human rights" to the basic principles. In order to realize the basic concept of "respecting and protecting human rights", the public security organs, procuratorial organs and judicial organs must, while punishing crimes, put "respect and protection of human rights" in the same position. The amendment of criminal prosecution is revised around this basic idea in all stages of criminal cases, which must have a great impact on the investigation of crimes. This paper focuses on the revision of the Criminal procedure Law, which is a major event in the field of law, expounds the impact of strengthening human rights protection on investigation, and puts forward corresponding strategies to deal with these effects. This paper is divided into four parts:. The first part is an overview of human rights protection. Firstly, it gives a brief overview of the basic concept of human rights, and then discusses the relationship between human rights protection and criminal proceedings. The second part: the basic content of strengthening the human rights protection in the amendment of criminal suit. This part mainly from the basic principles of the criminal procedure law, the defense system, the evidence system, the coercive measure, The investigation procedure and the six aspects of the special procedures to summarize how these elements reflect the strengthening of human rights protection. The third part: the criminal prosecution amendment strengthens the human rights safeguard to the investigation influence. This part is mainly based on the second part, This paper further expounds what opportunities the amendment of criminal prosecution has brought to the two investigative organs of public security and procuratorial organs, and what new challenges they have put forward at the same time. Part 4th: seize the opportunity, meet the challenge, carry out the investigation according to the law. This part is mainly aimed at some countermeasures put forward in the third part. In order to cultivate the good quality of the investigators and improve their investigative ability, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures in six aspects: changing the investigation mode, strengthening the basic construction, perfecting the technical investigation measures and the investigation supervision mechanism. The investigation organ should grasp the opportunity brought by the amendment of criminal prosecution and take some measures to meet the new challenge.


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