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发布时间:2018-03-12 20:27

  本文选题:审限制度 切入点:约束行为 出处:《法律适用》2014年08期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The trial limit system is the legal time limit system that the national judicial organ must abide by in the hearing of the case. There are differences between the subject of the restraint act of the current law and the subject of the restraint behavior of the trial limit system in practice. The reform of the system of judicial limitation in our country should start with the reform of the subject of the restraint behavior of the system of adjudication, and make it clear that the restraint of the system of adjudication is the behavior of the judge, and exclude the time that does not belong to the trial of the judge from the trial limit. In order to restore the purpose of establishing the trial limit system, the relevant judicial explanations should, while lightening the burden on the judges, strictly manage the trial limit, implement the trial limit publicity, perfect the procedural power of the litigant participants to the trial limit, and put an end to the hidden phenomenon of the excessive trial limit.
【作者单位】: 最高人民法院;


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5 欧阳R,




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