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发布时间:2018-03-13 22:44

  本文选题:虚假诉讼 切入点:法律规制 出处:《烟台大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At present, in the judicial practice, the false litigation phenomenon of the parties through malicious collusion to cover up the illegal purpose is frequently frequent, repeated prohibition and multiple situation. The false litigation act directly damages the legitimate rights and interests of the outsider in the case. The direct violation of the just and good judicial order runs counter to the principle of good faith in our country, hinders the construction of the social credit system, seriously wastes limited judicial resources, and even violates the judicial justice. It has damaged the judicial authority and credibility, and has become a persistent problem in the judicial field. Although the new civil procedure law and the interpretation of the civil procedure law provide certain procedural law regulation for the false litigation, but the social integrity is not perfect at present. The legal consciousness of the parties and the outsiders in the case is not strong, the lack of the laws and regulations which have maneuverability and sanction, the defects of the civil litigation system and the concrete practical factors in the judicial practice, and so on. Unable to fully curb the spread of multiple types of false litigation. How to regulate false litigation has become an urgent problem in judicial practice. This paper will describe it from three aspects. Firstly, it will introduce the outline and harm of false litigation. The summary of false litigation includes false litigation. The concept and characteristics of litigation; The harm of false litigation lies in the following aspects: infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others, wasting limited judicial resources, damaging the authority and credibility of the judiciary, disrupting the normal judicial order and violating the principle of good faith. The second part expounds the current situation and existing problems of the legal regulation of false litigation. The present situation of the regulation of false litigation is mainly analyzed from two aspects: the current situation of legislative regulation and the current situation of judicial regulation; The problems existing in the legal regulation of false litigation are mainly manifested in two aspects: the problems existing in the legislative regulation and the problems in the judicial regulation. The third part describes the suggestions on the perfection of the legal regulation of the false litigation, and the suggestions on the legal regulation of the false litigation. This article mainly from the legislative regulation and the judicial regulation two aspects carries on the consummation, the legislative regulation measure mainly includes consummates the mediation, the evidence examination, the party admits, the third party participates in the lawsuit, Summary procedure and other civil litigation systems and the improvement of civil damage compensation system; the judicial regulation measures mainly include strengthening the examination of filing, trial and execution, perfecting the internal evaluation management mechanism, establishing the lawsuit notification system, Establish the case information networking mechanism; strengthen the comprehensive prevention mechanism; improve the quality of judges.


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