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发布时间:2018-03-13 22:22

  本文选题:沉默权 切入点:可行性 出处:《吉林财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:沉默权制度的设立不仅有利于保障公民的基本人权,抑制刑讯逼供,还是一国司法文明的重要标志,发端于上世纪六七十年代的恢复性司法,其主旨是在刑事犯罪中在受害方和犯罪方之间建立一种对话关系,以犯罪方主动真诚悔罪、承担责任并赔偿受害方损失从而在深层次化解社会矛盾,修复受损的社会关系。在此思想影响下出现了刑事沉默权制度。刑事沉默权思想在我国并不陌生,,该思想在我国有着深厚的历史渊源,并且有对于我国构建和谐社会,维护社会公平正义从而实现美好中国梦的历史使命有重要意义。 2013年新刑诉法开始正式实施,在新刑事诉讼法未明确规定刑事沉默权,这是我国首次以正式法律的形式渗透了刑事沉默权思想,对于推动刑事沉默权思想在我国的发展影响重大、意义深远。但是,在新刑事诉讼法中规定的刑事沉默权制度还有诸多不足,并不全面。想要在司法实践中将刑事沉默权制度在我国全面铺开还并不现实,很多问题仍然需要我们继续探索。
[Abstract]:The establishment of the right to silence system is not only conducive to the protection of citizens' basic human rights and suppression of extortion by torture, but also an important symbol of a country's judicial civilization. It originated in restorative justice in the 1960s and 1970s on 0th century. Its main purpose is to establish a dialogue between the injured party and the offender in a criminal offence in which the offender takes the initiative to repent in good faith, assumes responsibility and compensates the injured party for the loss, thereby resolving social conflicts at a deeper level, Under the influence of this thought, the system of criminal right to silence appears. The thought of criminal right to silence is no stranger in our country. This thought has profound historical origin in our country, and has a deep historical origin for building a harmonious society in our country. It is of great significance to safeguard social fairness and justice so as to realize the historical mission of better Chinese Dream. In 2013, the new criminal procedure law began to be formally implemented, and the right to criminal silence was not clearly stipulated in the new criminal procedure law. This is the first time that the thought of the right to criminal silence has been infiltrated in the form of formal law in our country. It has a great impact on the development of the right to remain silent in our country and has far-reaching significance. However, there are still many deficiencies in the system of the right to remain silent in the new criminal procedure law. It is not realistic to spread the criminal silence right system in our country in the judicial practice, many problems still need us to continue to explore.


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