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发布时间:2018-03-16 14:54

  本文选题:公诉权滥用 切入点:防范与制约 出处:《内蒙古大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:传统的公诉权滥用是指作出的公诉决定违反了法定实体要件。当代的公诉权滥用也包括了滥用程序损害被追诉人权利的公诉行为。防范公诉权滥用的理论基础应当包括程序正义理论与宪政理论两部分。不同法系国家和地区在公诉权滥用的防范措施上各具良策。英美法特色模式的最主要特点是建立预审制度;大陆法特色模式的最主要特点是提起公诉时要全案移送证据材料与起诉书,同时设置有独立的中间程序:日本特色模式则制定了证据开示、审前会议等一系列的审前程序,同时建立检察审查会制度以及准起诉制度。 就中国而言,检察机关内部缺乏对公诉权滥用的有效防范与制约,检察官绩效考评制度的设置也不合理;法院没有预审程序,缺少防范与制约公诉权滥用的基本制度;人民监督员制度在明确资格产生程序以及案件范围等方面,都没有具体可行的程序。在司法实践中也出现了如滥用批捕权的起诉、违反迅速审判原则的起诉、以违法诱惑侦查推动的起诉等公诉权滥用行为。 中国构建公诉权滥用防范制约机制的主要途径有:完善检察系统内部权利对公诉权滥用的防范与制约;强化外部权力对公诉权滥用的防范与制约,包括调整人大和党委的防范制约方式以及建立法院的预审制度与不起诉听证制度;加强公民权利对公诉权滥用的防范与制约,即被追诉人、被害人以及人民监督员的防范与制约作用。
[Abstract]:The traditional abuse of the right of public prosecution refers to the fact that the decision of public prosecution violates the legal substantive elements. The contemporary abuse of the right of public prosecution also includes the public prosecution act of abusing the procedure to impair the rights of the accused. The theoretical basis for preventing abuse of the right of prosecution should be put forward. It includes two parts: procedural justice theory and constitutionalism theory. Countries and regions of different legal systems have different measures to prevent the abuse of the right of public prosecution. The most important characteristic of the characteristic mode of Anglo-American law is to establish the system of preliminary hearing. The most important feature of the characteristic mode of civil law is to transfer all the evidence materials and indictments in the case of public prosecution, and to set up independent intermediate procedures at the same time. The Japanese characteristic model has formulated a series of pretrial procedures, such as evidence disclosure, pre-trial meetings, and so on. At the same time, establish the procuratorial review committee system and quasi-prosecution system. As far as China is concerned, the procuratorial organs lack the effective prevention and restriction to the abuse of the public prosecution right, and the establishment of the procurator's performance appraisal system is unreasonable, the court does not have the pretrial procedure, and lacks the basic system to prevent and restrict the abuse of the public prosecution right; The system of people's Supervisors has no specific and feasible procedures in defining the procedure for producing qualifications and the scope of cases. In judicial practice, there have also been prosecutions for abusing the right to arrest, and for violating the principle of prompt trial. Abuse of the right of prosecution, such as prosecution, promoted by the temptation of illegal investigation. The main ways for China to construct the preventive and restrictive mechanism for the abuse of the public prosecution right are as follows: perfecting the prevention and restriction of the internal rights of the procuratorial system to the abuse of the public prosecution right, strengthening the prevention and restriction of the external power against the abuse of the public prosecution right, Including adjusting the ways of preventing and restricting the people's congresses and party committees and establishing the system of pretrial hearing and non-prosecution hearings of the courts, strengthening the prevention and restriction of citizens' rights against the abuse of the right of public prosecution, that is, the accused, The prevention and restriction function of the victim and the people's supervisor.


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