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发布时间:2018-03-16 16:19

  本文选题:电子证据 切入点:电子取证 出处:《延边大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在人类社会交流与发展的过程中,信息的传递与获取一直扮演着十分重要的角色。早在古代人们就建造了烽火台,用烟柱的升起传递有外敌入侵的信号;用鸽子传递信件、用快马传递公文。语言文字的产生也是为了方便一定区域内人们交流的产物。但在奴隶制社会、封建制社会和第一次工业革命时期,人们对于信息的认识始终处于稚嫩的经验阶段。一直到19世纪末电话和电报等电子设备的发明,人类才正式进入了信息社会。计算机在20世纪的出现以及当前网络的普及,不仅推动了科学技术的发展,也给司法活动带来了新的挑战。2013年1月1日起实施的刑事诉讼法与民事诉讼法都将电子数据列为独立的证据类型,确立了其法律地位,但却没有对电子证据的取证作出规定。与传统证据相比电子证据有着自己的特征,再加上借助高科技手段规避传统取证方式的犯罪不断增多,导致以传统的取证方法是不能够应对电子证据在收集和保全中所遇到的问题。所以,本文通过研究我国电子证据取证在立法上的不足和司法实践中遇到的困难,以期为解决电子证据取证问题尽微薄之力。 为了实现上述目的,本文从电子证据和电子证据取证的基本概念入手,分析我国电子证据取证在立法和司法实践中遇到的问题,并结合国外电子证据立法的经验,提出解决我国电子证据取证的建议。文章分为四个章节: 第一章绪论介绍了论文选题的背景、研究的目的及意义和研究方法。 第二章从电子证据基本理论入手,首先通过归纳和综合的方法对电子证据的概念、特征进行阐述,得出电子证据是以电子数据为实质,表现形式多样,且有着自己特征的证据。其次,对电子证据的取证主体进行界定,在传统证据取证主体的基础上发挥电子技术专家和网络警察的作用,并对电子取证原则进行探讨。最后,通过排除的方式得出电子证据的取证措施应当包括电子搜查、电子扣押、电子监控和保全与固定。 第三章首先通过列表的方式总结了我国现行有关电子证据的法律,并进行了立法现状的分析,然后,通过三个案例分析了司法实践中电子证据取证会遇到的主体、原始性、技术以及权利保障与救济上的问题。 第四章首先总结国际组织、英美法系国家和大陆法系国家在电子证据规定中的特点,得出我国当前电子证据的立法模式应当是在现有诉讼法中补充式的对电子证据的取证程序进行规定,同时应当具备一定的前瞻性。然后,在司法上通过完善电子取证队伍建设,保证取证过程的规范化,加强取证技术研究以及保障公民隐私权来应对我国电子证据取证司法实践中遇到的问题。
[Abstract]:In the process of communication and development of human society, the transmission and acquisition of information has always played a very important role. As early as in ancient times, people built beacon towers, used the rise of smoke columns to send signals of invasion by foreign enemies, and sent letters by pigeons. The language and characters were also produced to facilitate the exchange of people in certain areas. But in the slavery society, the feudal society and the first industrial revolution, The understanding of information is always in its infancy and experience. It was not until the invention of electronic devices such as telephone and telegram at the end of 19th century that mankind formally entered the information society. The emergence of computers in 20th century and the popularity of the current network, It not only promotes the development of science and technology, but also brings new challenges to judicial activities. In January 1st 2013, both the Code of Criminal procedure and the Code of Civil procedure made electronic data an independent type of evidence and established its legal status. But there is no provision for evidence collection of electronic evidence. Compared with traditional evidence, electronic evidence has its own characteristics, and the crime of circumventing traditional evidence by means of high-tech means is on the rise. It is impossible to deal with the problems encountered in the collection and preservation of electronic evidence by the traditional method of obtaining evidence. Therefore, this paper studies the shortcomings in legislation and the difficulties encountered in the judicial practice of electronic evidence collection in our country. In order to solve the problem of electronic evidence evidence to make a modest contribution. In order to achieve the above purpose, this paper begins with the basic concepts of electronic evidence and electronic evidence collection, analyzes the problems encountered in the legislation and judicial practice of electronic evidence gathering in our country, and combines the experience of foreign electronic evidence legislation. The article is divided into four chapters:. The first chapter introduces the background, purpose, significance and research methods of the thesis. The second chapter starts with the basic theory of electronic evidence. Firstly, it expounds the concept and characteristics of electronic evidence through inductive and comprehensive methods, and draws the conclusion that electronic evidence is essentially electronic data, and its forms are varied. And has its own characteristics of evidence. Secondly, to define the subject of electronic evidence, on the basis of the traditional evidence of evidence to play the role of electronic technology experts and network police, and to explore the principles of electronic forensics. The evidence collection measures of electronic evidence should include electronic search, electronic seizure, electronic monitoring and preservation and fixation. The third chapter summarizes the current law of electronic evidence in our country through the way of list, and analyzes the current situation of legislation. Then, through three cases, the author analyzes the subject that electronic evidence will encounter in the judicial practice, the originality. Technical and rights protection and relief issues. Chapter 4th first summarizes the characteristics of international organizations, common law countries and civil law countries in the provisions of electronic evidence, It is concluded that the current legislative model of electronic evidence in our country should be supplementary to the existing procedural law to regulate the procedure for obtaining evidence of electronic evidence, and at the same time, it should have a certain degree of foresight. Then, through improving the construction of electronic forensics team in the judicial field, To ensure the standardization of the process of forensics, strengthen the research of forensics technology and protect citizens' right to privacy in order to deal with the problems encountered in the judicial practice of electronic evidence collection in China.


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