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发布时间:2018-03-17 18:15

  本文选题:未决没收程序 切入点:利害关系人 出处:《华东政法大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Along with our country of corruption, bribery crime, terrorist crimes and other serious criminal crackdown on increasing the perpetrators escape, long-term custody, or Dutch act when circumstances have occurred, the legal proper situations directly affect the property involved. After the occurrence of similar situations in the past, due to lack of disposal path and standardized method, often cause cannot turn the disposal of the consequences in China.2012 in the criminal procedure law amendment process, specially set up a special criminal procedure "criminal suspects, defendants into hiding, the death of the illegal income confiscated program", or "pending the confiscation procedure. This procedure the main purpose of which is to set up the occurrence of related regulation cases, can not because of the criminal suspect, defendant escape or death due to the illegal income to effectively pursue Cable. It should be said, in our country the procedures set up from the judicial practice situation, greatly promote the effective disposal of our country to similar situations. However, due to the related criminal procedure code in the amendment is not involved in the process of property may be involved in the relationship of the legitimate property rights the disposal of specific provisions, therefore, easy to cause damage to the interests of stakeholders and property, thus causing secondary unnecessary conflicts and sustained petition. Therefore, the pending confiscation procedure involved additional property stakeholders involved in the program, will be conducive to the relevant stakeholders to obtain the dual property involved in the disposal process in the justice of the entity and procedure by participating in the special program. In view of this, we need to strengthen the interests of our country in the special procedure of property relations Study on the property rights protection program design, and support for the program planning and design of the powerful theory formed by special research results. This paper uses the section format, divided into four chapters: the first chapter discusses the theme of the theme of the thesis involved pending forfeiture proceedings in the basic theory of the relationship between people's interests are discussed. Including the pending legal attributes and characteristics of the analysis of the confiscation procedure, the interpretation of the meaning of law stakeholders in the program. In the discussion of the legal definition of scope of stakeholders in the program, and the legal basis for interested parties to participate in the program and in the confiscation of pending litigation status pending confiscated program the theoretical explanation. The second chapter is on China's criminal legislation and judicial status pending forfeiture procedure protection of human rights interests were analyzed. The main stakeholders of Enjoy the pending confiscation procedure of rights and obligations in the judicial practice of stakeholders involved in the basic situation of pending forfeiture procedure and the problems to be demonstrated and analyzed. The third chapter inspects argumentation of extraterritorial national legislative and judicial status of the interested parties to protect the rights and interests of the relevant procedures, comparison of extraterritorial experience related mainly to the system. In the United States, Britain, Australia and Germany as the representative of the common law system, the design of Japan as the representative of the civil law countries such as the pending forfeiture proceedings in the interested parties to protect the rights and interests of the comparison, in order to learn the useful experience for our outstanding interest in the protection of the confiscation procedure of the rights of people from in the fourth chapter. From two aspects of legislation and judicature in China is put forward the criminal forfeiture proceedings pending interest regulation and perfection of human rights protection construction From the discussion, pretrial procedure, this procedure guarantee scheme for the interests of the stakeholders of the trial procedure and relief procedures. This paper tries to analyze the relevant provisions of the pending forfeiture of interest guarantee pending forfeiture proceedings in the interests of stakeholders theory and legislation and judicial practice in the relationship between people involved in the pending forfeiture the program status of the program to protect the rights and interests of stakeholders, demonstrates the necessity of the system to protect the property rights of stakeholders and related work in the creation of the mechanism of special criminal procedure, rationality and feasibility. The author attempts to learn from foreign advanced experience, the rule of law system construction of China's current legal system of pending forfeiture to protect the rights and interests of stakeholders, to further improve China's current criminal pretrial confiscation procedure.



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