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发布时间:2018-03-18 01:25

  本文选题:侦诉关系 切入点:以审判为中心 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At the fourth Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping explicitly proposed in the "decision of the CPC Central Committee on comprehensively promoting the Rule of Law in an All-round way" that "we should promote the reform of the litigation system with the trial as the center". Under the premise of the existing constitutional framework and the basic principles of the criminal procedure law, the litigation mode of our country will change the former litigation system of "investigation as the center" into the litigation mode of "taking trial as the center". In line with the objective reality of our country's judicial system, it not only conforms to the law of the development of criminal procedure, but also greatly improves the judicial credibility and promotes judicial justice. It is of great significance to avoid the occurrence of unjust, false and wrong cases. It is necessary to promote the reform of the litigation system with "trial as the center" as the prerequisite for judicial activities. How to deal with the relationship between criminal investigation and prosecution is becoming more and more important. In the early stage of judicial reform, we must strengthen the coordination of investigation and prosecution, and earnestly implement the principle of "division of labor, responsibility, cooperation and mutual restriction." This paper changes the former situation of "Public Security only investigation, Procuratorate only Prosecution, Court only trying". Based on the comparative analysis of the relationship between foreign investigation and litigation, this paper analyzes the relationship between foreign investigation and litigation. This paper mainly studies the evolution process of the relationship mode of investigation and prosecution in China since the modern times, and makes a profound reflection and evaluation on the mode of the relationship between investigation and prosecution in our country. Under the reform of the litigation system centered on the trial, This paper puts forward some relevant measures to perfect the relationship mode of investigation and prosecution in our country under this background.


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