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发布时间:2018-03-18 05:27

  本文选题:民事附带上诉 切入点:必要性与可行性 出处:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:民事附带上诉制度是最早起源于欧陆的一种民事诉讼制度,其在世界上许多国家和地区的立法中都有体现,比如德国、日本、法国和我国台湾地区的民事诉讼立法中均对此制度作了明确规定。民事附带上诉制度作为平衡双方当事人诉讼利益的一种制度,其在推进诉讼程序完善,促进法律理念更新上都起到了十分重要的作用。 本文主要对民事附带上诉的内涵界定、理论依据以及具体构想等方面提出了自己的一些看法。首先,附带上诉的内涵,是指在对方当事人提起上诉而自己又丧失上诉权的情况下,以对方当事人上诉为依托,针对一审判决中一部或全部不利己部分而提起的上诉。其次,民事附带上诉的理论依据主要是对处分原则、诉讼权利平等原则以及禁止不利益变更原则的弥补与贯彻。第三,在我国附带上诉的具体构建上,则参考了许多大陆法系国家的先进做法,根据我国现有制度环境,试图提出符合我国具体国情并且现实可行的立法方案。与此同时,文中也体现了附带上诉制度对于“平衡当事人权利,维护程序安定和司法权威”的重要意义,以及在其被引入我国现有法律体系的必要性和可行性。 通过对以上问题的探讨,可以大致勾画出我国建立民事附带上诉制度的基本方案。建议首先,要在理论上厘清我国民事附带上诉与主上诉的关系。比如,附带上诉对主上诉效力的依附性以及主上诉对民事附带上诉的反制约。其次,应明确提起民事附带上诉的主体、时间、范围以及具体方式等。比如,可以在我国民事诉讼立法中规定:民事附带上诉主体应在举证时限届满前以民事附带上诉状形式向二审法院提起民事附带上诉。最后,,应对民事附带上诉制度的提起加以限定,比如对“民事附带上诉撤回后不可再提”以及“附带上诉之上不得再提附带上诉”等问题的限定,就是其中一个很好的体现。
[Abstract]:The civil incidental appeal system is a kind of civil litigation system that originated in Europe. It is embodied in the legislation of many countries and regions in the world, such as Germany and Japan. This system is clearly stipulated in the civil litigation legislation of France and Taiwan. As a system to balance the litigant interests of both parties, the civil incidental appeal system is promoting the perfection of the litigation procedure. Promoting the renewal of legal concepts has played a very important role. This article mainly puts forward some views on the connotation definition, theoretical basis and concrete conception of civil incidental appeal. First, the connotation of incidental appeal. It refers to an appeal filed by the other party against one or all of the unselfish parts of the judgment of first instance on the basis of the other party's appeal and his own loss of the right to appeal. Secondly, The theoretical basis of the civil incidental appeal is mainly to make up for and implement the principle of disposition, the principle of equality of litigation rights and the principle of prohibiting the change of interests. Thirdly, in the specific construction of the incidental appeal in our country, Referring to the advanced practices of many civil law countries, and according to the existing institutional environment of our country, we try to put forward legislative proposals that are in line with the specific conditions of our country and are realistic and feasible. At the same time, It also reflects the importance of the system of incidental appeal to "balancing the rights of the parties, maintaining the procedural stability and judicial authority", as well as the necessity and feasibility of introducing it into the existing legal system of our country. Through the discussion of the above problems, we can outline the basic plan of establishing the civil incidental appeal system in our country. First of all, we should clarify the relationship between the civil incidental appeal and the principal appeal in theory. For example, The dependence of incidental appeal on the effect of principal appeal and the counterrestriction of principal appeal on civil incidental appeal. Secondly, the subject, time, scope and specific manner of filing incidental civil appeal should be clearly established. For example, It can be stipulated in our civil litigation legislation that the subject of civil incidental appeal should file a civil incidental appeal with the court of second instance before the expiration of the time limit of proof. Finally, the system of incidental civil appeal should be limited. For example, the limitation of such issues as "non-mention after the withdrawal of civil incidental appeal" and "non-mention of incidental appeal above incidental appeal" is a very good embodiment.


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