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发布时间:2018-03-18 13:13

  本文选题:辨认程序 切入点:辨认笔录 出处:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在我国的刑事司法实践中,刑事辨认一直被当做一种重要的侦查手段与证据调查措施,在刑事诉讼过程中扮演着极为重要的角色。但是,由于辨认错误而导致的冤假错案也不计其数。然而,我国的刑事辨认无论在立法还是实务方面,都存在严重的不足之处。目前对刑事辨认做出规定的法律法规主要有新《刑事诉讼法》及其司法解释、《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》和《人民检察院刑事诉讼规则》。其中,除了新《刑事诉讼法》规定辨认笔录是法定证据,在地位上肯定了刑事辨认这一证据调查措施,其他的规章制度大约只用了短短了五、六个条文。由此可以看出,我国关于刑事辨认的立法都比较简单,操作性不强,难以满足司法实践的需要。 我国关于辨认的制度体系未能完全建立,使得公安司法人员在实践过程中出现较多的违法操作行为,侵害了被辨认人的合法权益,致使刑事辨认结论得不到最大效果的利用,也破坏了司法程序的公正性。在实务方面,出现了司法人员认识不足、刑事辨认的审批监督不力、辨认结论审查不严等问题,严重制约了该制度的应用与发展。 从研究现状来看,国内对于刑事辨认的研究大多比较片面,且都是在新《刑事诉讼法》正式实施之前,主要从辨认行为的规范、辨认证据问题、辨认笔录审查要点等分散的要点进行论述,或者从整个辨认制度的完善方面来论述,对制度的构建不完整。基于此,本文不避揣漏,主要以刑事辨认制度为研究对象,从辨认的概念、特征、价值等基础研究到如何规制、完善等一系列问题进行系统的阐述,着重分析我国刑事辨认行为存在的相关问题,借鉴国外相关成熟做法,完善辨认程序规则,并运用心理学的某些理论成果,规制辨认程序,科学的指导辨认在侦查实践中的运用。以期对我国辨认制度的发展有所裨益。 全文共分为三部分,分述如下:第一部分,刑事辨认的概述。刑事辨认的概述是探讨刑事辨认问题的逻辑起点和基石。本章重点对刑事辨认的基本概念、特点、价值与分类进行了分析与研究;第二部分,从立法与实务两方面,分析我国的刑事辨认制度的现状,从中找出不足之处,为提出完善建议找到立足点。在立法方面,我国关于刑事辨认的立法层次低,各个规定之间有矛盾之处,辨认规则不够完善。在实务方面,主要对公安司法人员对辨认的认识性不足、混杂辨认规则得不到落实、以及审批制度不完善等问题进行了研究;第三部分,,我国刑事辨认制度的规制与完善。借鉴心理学的某些研究成果,从组织者的询问方式、列队人员数量、列队呈现方式等进行规制,对辨认行为提出规制建议,同时提出从立法、规则、审查、审批、非法辨认结论排除等方面提出完善建议。
[Abstract]:In our country's criminal judicial practice, criminal identification has always been regarded as an important investigative technique and evidence investigation measure, which plays an extremely important role in the process of criminal proceedings. There are also countless cases of false and false identification as a result of identification errors. However, criminal identification in our country is not only in legislation but also in practice. There are serious deficiencies. At present, the major laws and regulations governing criminal identification are the new Criminal procedure Law and its judicial interpretation, the provisions on the procedure for handling Criminal cases by Public Security organs, and the rules of Criminal procedure of the people's Procuratorate. Apart from the new Code of Criminal procedure, which stipulates that the identification record is legal evidence, and affirms the investigation measure of the evidence in terms of status, the other rules and regulations have taken only about five or six articles. From this, we can see that, The legislation on criminal identification in our country is relatively simple and not easy to operate, so it is difficult to meet the needs of judicial practice. The system of identification in our country has not been completely established, which makes the public security and judicial personnel appear more illegal operation in the process of practice, which infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of the recognized person, and makes the criminal identification conclusion not be used to the maximum effect. It also destroys the fairness of judicial procedure. In practice, there are some problems, such as insufficient understanding of judicial personnel, weak supervision of examination and approval of criminal identification, lax examination of identification conclusion, and so on, which seriously restrict the application and development of the system. From the point of view of the current research situation, most of the domestic studies on criminal identification are one-sided, and before the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law, it is mainly from the norms of identification behavior, the identification of evidence issues. The main points such as the key points of the examination of the identification record are discussed, or from the aspect of the perfection of the whole identification system, the construction of the system is not complete. Based on this, this paper does not avoid the omission, and mainly takes the criminal identification system as the research object. From the basic research of identification, such as concept, characteristics, value and so on, to how to regulate and perfect a series of problems, this paper focuses on the analysis of the related problems existing in the criminal identification behavior of our country, and draws lessons from the relevant mature practices of foreign countries. Perfecting the rules of identification procedure, applying some theoretical achievements of psychology, regulating the identification procedure and scientifically guiding the application of identification in investigation practice are expected to benefit the development of identification system in our country. The full text is divided into three parts: the first part is the overview of criminal identification. The summary of criminal identification is the logical starting point and cornerstone of the problem of criminal identification. This chapter focuses on the basic concepts and characteristics of criminal identification. The second part analyzes the present situation of our country's criminal identification system from the aspects of legislation and practice, finds out the deficiency, and finds a foothold for the improvement of the system. The legislative level of criminal identification in our country is low, there are contradictions among various provisions, and the identification rules are not perfect. In practice, the public security and judicial personnel have insufficient understanding of identification, and the mixed identification rules have not been implemented. The third part is about the regulation and perfection of the criminal identification system in our country. Using some research results of psychology for reference, from the way of the organizers' inquiry, the number of people in line, It also puts forward some suggestions on how to regulate the identification behavior and how to improve it from the aspects of legislation, rules, examination, examination and approval, and the exclusion of illegal identification conclusions.


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1 谢鹏;刑事侦查中辨认的缺陷与司法危险[J];广西公安管理干部学院学报;1999年02期

2 付凤;杨宗辉;;检察引导侦查与公诉引导侦查合理性辨析[J];中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版);2013年03期

3 姜丽娜;罗大华;应柳华;;目击证人辨认研究[J];心理科学;2007年05期

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