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发布时间:2018-03-19 00:33

  本文选题:证明标准 切入点:层次性 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As the core content of the criminal evidence law, the standard of criminal proof is the rule of guiding and standardizing the activity of proof in criminal proceedings, which plays an important role in the determination of the facts of the case. "the facts are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient" is taken as the standard of proof. However, for different stages of litigation, the same standard of proof is applied indiscriminately to different subjects of burden of proof and different object of proof, There are many disadvantages in this practice, so it is necessary to divide the standard of criminal proof into different levels. The problem of standard of criminal proof, especially the level of standard of criminal proof, There are many disputes, many difficulties and many puzzles in the theoretical and practical circles all the time. In view of the present situation, the level of the standard of criminal proof in our country is far from meeting the needs of judicial practice. It is of great significance to study the level of criminal proof standard in order to promote the reform and perfection of criminal evidence system in our country. This paper, guided by dialectical materialism epistemology, probes into the problem of criminal proof standard hierarchy. And combine the actual situation of our country with the legislation and theory of foreign countries concerned, This article is divided into four chapters: the first chapter is an overview of the hierarchy of criminal proof standards. This paper introduces the concept of the hierarchy of standards of criminal proof, and then probes into the characteristics, composition and embodiment of the hierarchy of standards of criminal proof. This paper analyzes the theoretical basis of the hierarchy of the standard of criminal proof. Finally, it expounds the function and function of the hierarchy of the standard of criminal proof. The second chapter is the analysis of the present situation of the hierarchy of the standard of criminal proof in China. Firstly, it introduces the criminal evidence of our country. The legal provisions of the hierarchy of standards in the Ming Dynasty, From this, the author summarizes the characteristics of the level of the standard of criminal proof in our country. Then, by analyzing the present situation of the level of the standard of criminal proof in our country, This paper points out the problems existing in the hierarchy of the standards of criminal proof in our country. The third chapter is about the regulations and comments on the hierarchy of the standards of criminal proof in foreign countries. First, it introduces the regulations of the standards of criminal proof in the countries of Anglo-American law system and the countries of the civil law system. The contents and characteristics of the criminal proof standards in the two legal system countries are expounded in detail. The purpose of this paper is to provide useful reference and reference for improving the hierarchy of criminal proof standards in China. Chapter 4th is the perfection of the hierarchy of standards of criminal proof in our country. On the basis of the first three chapters, it aims at the reality of our country. The author puts forward the principles and suggestions of perfecting the hierarchy of criminal proof standards in China.


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