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发布时间:2018-03-19 16:19

  本文选题:大国司法理念 切入点:国际民事诉讼 出处:《中国社会科学》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The development of China's international civil litigation should respond to the changes in the reform and opening up to the outside world. As an economic power, China needs to use the international civil litigation system to protect its interests globally; as a country with the rule of law, China needs to upgrade its judicial services and enhance the attractiveness of its judicial system in the global dispute resolution market. Considering that the judicial system is an important trade-off for a country's overall competitiveness, The global competitiveness of the international civil litigation system should be one of the goals pursued by China's judicial reform. In order to improve and perfect the international civil litigation system, China should emphasize the judicial concept of the great powers and attach importance to the competitiveness of the judicial systems of the great powers. The characteristics of service and cooperation in the struggle have focused on the following reforms: first, to provide for a special system of international civil jurisdiction and to increase the number of matters of competitive jurisdiction; and second, to enhance China's professional service capacity in international civil litigation, Emphasizing the convenience of protecting the rights of the parties, emphasizing the specialization of the judicial institutions in the commercial field, strengthening international judicial cooperation and promoting the globalization of Chinese judgments.
【作者单位】: 北京大学法学院;


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