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发布时间:2018-03-19 14:00

  本文选题:诚实信用 切入点:法律原则 出处:《西南交通大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In 2012, China's civil procedure law was amended, and many laws and regulations were perfected. The establishment of the principle of good faith is of particular concern. Article 13, paragraph 1, of the revised Code of Civil procedure stipulates that "the principle of good faith shall be followed in civil proceedings". The principle of good faith has become a basic principle of the civil procedure law. Its effective implementation will be conducive to the realization of the goal of civil litigation justice and efficiency. In the actual litigation activities, the violation of good faith occurs from time to time. The parties ignore the time limit of proof and delay the time of submission of evidence again and again. They even deliberately submit them in court; the parties maliciously use their litigation rights, such as challenge applications and jurisdictional objections, to delay the proceedings, thus forming an adverse litigation state for the other party; witnesses give false testimony or refuse to testify in court; judges raid the decision. These acts are common violations of the principle of good faith, violate the principle of good faith, cause the delay of the lawsuit, and weaken the fairness of the judgment. The low efficiency of litigation has seriously affected the realization of the purpose and value of procedural law. In view of this, the principle of good faith is determined as one of the basic principles of civil action in our civil procedure law. In fact, in the field of civil substantive law, especially in the field of debt law, the basic principle of the principle of good faith has long been established. This is closely related to the actual needs of people's social life. However, the application of the principle of good faith in civil proceedings is late, and the provisions of the law are vague, resulting in the uncertainty and fuzziness of the actual application of the principle of good faith. The author discusses the legal basis on which the principle of good faith applies to civil litigation from the perspective of the principle of good faith and the application of the principle of law, and analyzes the scope of application of the principle of good faith and credit in combination with the investigation of the extraterritorial system. Finally, return to our country, look for problems, put forward suggestions, in order to help our civil litigation principle of good faith in the legal application of the perfect.


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