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发布时间:2018-03-19 19:57

  本文选题:船舶扣押的范围 切入点:活扣押 出处:《浙江大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国的船舶扣押制度从无到有直到今天不超过20年,当今关于船舶扣押制度的主要法律依据是《2000年海事诉讼特别程序法》该法是在实体上以及程序上,都对《1952年扣船公约》和《1999年扣船公约》有所借鉴,在具体问题具体分析的基础上很好的兼顾了我国海事诉讼的实际与吸收消化国外先进扣船法律制度之间的平衡。可谓是一部完整可行的扣船法律。但是其仍在存在许多问题,例如法律条文制定的过于保守,理论知识无法很好地应用于实践当中,两者相互矛盾。因此,针对两大国际公约、发达国家地区间的船舶扣押法律制度的探讨分析,有利于进一步完善我国相关法律法规的建设。 本文主要通过比较分析法以及实证分析法对两大法系主要国家以及我国船舶扣押法律制度中的船舶扣押范围、船舶扣押的条件及方式、船舶扣押的管辖和错误扣船四个方面的法律规定进行分析研究。 本文共分五个部分: 第一部分主要介绍了船舶扣押在我国法律的发展情况,并对船舶扣押、错误扣船等概念进行梳理,并以此引出本文讨论的重点。 第二部分主要介绍了船舶扣押制度的基本概述,在对船舶扣押的概念及意义简单介绍后着重探讨世界主要国家对船舶扣押的范围的法律规定,这些范围包括当事船舶、姐妹船舶、关联船和方便旗船四个。重点介绍了南非关联船舶扣押法律制度,并在如何应对南非关联船舶扣押法律制度的措施中提出了积极组织抗辩、外交途径解决、尽早确立完全市场经济地位等建议。 第三部分主要介绍了船舶扣押的条件及方式。分析不同法系国家对于船舶扣押的条件的不同规定之处以及相关的事后审查措施。并重点分析了“活扣押”和“死扣押”两种船舶扣押方式的优缺点,同时提出“活扣押”的适用范围仅限于国内船舶且当事人可以自由选择何种扣押方式而不是由法院强制决定,并且建议尽快明确延长“活扣押”时间以补充国内立法的缺失。 第四部分对船舶扣押中的管辖权进行比较研究,通过案例说明船舶扣押的管辖权有实体管辖和非实体管辖之分,同时分析了我国使用不方便法院原则的必要性在于管辖权的偶然性、举证的困难性以及当事人的不便利等因素。 最后是对错误扣船的相关理论尤其是错误扣船的认定标准进行了一个详细的阐述。将其认定标准分为主观标准和客观标准两类,同时对错误扣船的具体形式进行了分析,着重描述了错误扣船的赔偿机制并提出禁止普通法院违法扣船、加强扣船申请的审查、反担保等防范措施。
[Abstract]:The system of arrest of ships in our country has been in existence from nothing to less than 20 years today. The main legal basis for the system of arrest of ships today is the Special procedure Law of Maritime Litigation of 2000, which is substantive and procedural. For reference to the Convention on arrest of ships of 1952 and the Convention on arrest of ships of 1999, On the basis of concrete analysis of specific problems, the balance between the reality of maritime litigation in our country and the absorption and digestion of foreign advanced arrest legal system is well taken into account. It is a complete and feasible arrest law. However, there are still many problems in it. For example, the legal provisions are too conservative, the theoretical knowledge can not be well applied in practice, and the two contradict each other. Therefore, in the light of the two major international conventions, the legal system of arrest of ships between developed countries is discussed and analyzed. It is conducive to further improving the construction of relevant laws and regulations in China. This paper mainly through comparative analysis and empirical analysis of the two major law countries and China's arrest of ships in the legal system of the scope of arrest, ship arrest conditions and ways. The jurisdiction of ship arrest and the four legal provisions of wrong arrest of ship are analyzed and studied. This paper is divided into five parts:. The first part mainly introduces the development of the law of ship arrest in our country, and combs the concepts of ship arrest and wrong arrest, and leads to the emphases of this paper. The second part mainly introduces the basic overview of ship arrest system. After a brief introduction of the concept and significance of ship arrest, it focuses on the legal provisions of the scope of arrest of ships by major countries in the world, which include the ships concerned. Sister ships, affiliated ships and flag ships of convenience. This paper mainly introduces the legal system of arrest of associated ships in South Africa, and puts forward the countermeasures of how to deal with the legal system of arrest of associated ships in South Africa. As early as possible to establish a complete market economy status and other suggestions. The third part mainly introduces the conditions and methods of ship arrest, analyzes the different provisions of the conditions of ship arrest in different legal system countries and the relevant ex post examination measures, and focuses on the analysis of "live arrest" and "living arrest". The merits and demerits of the two modes of arrest, At the same time, it is proposed that the scope of application of "live arrest" is limited to domestic ships and that the parties are free to choose which form of arrest rather than compulsory by the court, and it is suggested that the time of "live arrest" should be extended as soon as possible in order to supplement the lack of domestic legislation. Part 4th makes a comparative study on the jurisdiction of ship arrest, which shows that the jurisdiction of ship arrest is divided into substantive jurisdiction and non-substantive jurisdiction. At the same time, the necessity of the principle of inconvenient court in our country lies in the contingency of jurisdiction, the difficulty of proof and the inconveniences of the parties. Finally, the related theory of false arrest, especially the identification standard of false arrest, is expounded in detail. The identification standard is divided into two categories: subjective standard and objective standard. At the same time, the concrete form of false arrest is analyzed. This paper emphatically describes the compensation mechanism of the wrong arrest of ship and puts forward some preventive measures, such as prohibiting the illegal arrest of ship in the ordinary court, strengthening the examination of the application for arrest of the ship, counterguarantee and so on.


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