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发布时间:2018-03-19 23:21

  本文选题:单位犯罪 切入点:诉讼程序 出处:《华中师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:关于单位犯罪的刑事诉讼程序,现行刑事诉讼法与刑法存在极大的不协调性。因为我国刑事诉讼法规定的诉讼程序都是针对自然人犯罪而设立的,是追究自然人犯罪案件的诉讼程序,尽管其中的许多规定可以适用于单位犯罪案件,但由于单位犯罪有着不同于自然人犯罪的特点,在实际追究犯罪单位的刑事责任过程中出现了诸多问题,这些问题的存在严重影响了对犯罪单位刑事责任的追究。为此,加强对单位犯罪的研究并使之逐渐完善就显得非常必要。全文共分为四个部分: 第一部分概述单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序,在界定单位犯罪和单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序的基础上,指出单位犯罪的刑事诉讼程序具有特殊性和从属性;接着揭示出单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序具有的价值,包括能够实现刑事诉讼的目的、能够及时惩治单位犯罪、能够解决实体与程序失衡的问题、能够完善现代市场经济制度。 第二部分论述国外的单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序及其对我国的启示。通过对作为大陆法系国家典型的德国、法国、日本以及英美法系国家典型的英国、美国、澳大利亚等六个国家的单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序的比较考察,可以看到这六个国家的单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序虽然在形式和内容上有所差异,但其单位犯罪相关立法体例、诉讼代表人制度等均对我国具有启示意义。 第三部分通过分析我国的立法现状、司法实践指出我国在单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序上存在的问题:一是单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序的管辖规定不明以致实践中操作不便;二是有关诉讼代表人的规定和做法不合理影响了单位犯罪诉讼的进程;三是单位犯罪强制措施的规定过于简单,强制措施的范围比较狭窄不利于及时、完全地打击单位犯罪;四是在单位犯罪案件中单位被告的的辩护权未得到充分保障;五是单位犯罪的罚金执行不到位,如罚金刑强制执行的具体执行措施不明确、罚金刑执行保障制度缺失、罚金的减免程序在实际操作中不规范。 第四部分针对我国单位犯罪刑事诉讼程序存在的问题提出相关的完善措施。对单位犯罪的管辖,应当以犯罪的同类客体确定单位犯罪案件的立案管辖、以罚金的轻重程度兼顾负责人的刑罚轻重程度确定级别管辖、犯罪地法院管辖为主、被告居住地法院管辖为辅确定地域管辖;对犯罪单位的诉讼代表人制度应当取消由人民检察院来确定被告单位的诉讼代表人的规定、根据不同的情况采取由被告单位提供—定额度的保证金担保、通知另行委托或指定诉讼代表人这两种措施来确保刑事诉讼的顺利进行、适用缺席审判以解决单位逃避刑罚的情况;对单位被告的强制措施应当将现有的强制措施中的取保候审制度扩大适用于单位被告、增加专门针对单位被告的强制措施;对单位被告的辩护权行使应当保障单位被告人和自然人被告人享有同等的辩护权;对单位犯罪的罚金执行程序应当强制执行对犯罪单位的罚金刑、确立相对应的执行保障措施、规范罚金减免程序。
[Abstract]:About the unit crime in the criminal procedure, criminal procedure law and criminal law there is a great inconsistency. Because the provisions of the criminal procedure law of our country litigation procedures are for the crime of natural person and establish, is the pursuit of natural person crime litigation procedure, although many of these provisions can be applied to the unit crime, but the unit crime is different from the natural person crime, there are many problems in the actual investigation of the criminal responsibility of the unit crime, the existence of these problems seriously affected the investigation on the criminal responsibility of the unit crime. Therefore, strengthening the study of unit crime and so it is very necessary to gradually perfect. It is is divided into four parts:
The first part is the overview of unit crime in criminal procedure, based on defining the criminal procedure of unit crime and unit crime, unit crime that the criminal procedure has particularity and subordination; then reveals the unit crime criminal procedure has the value, including to achieve the purpose of criminal proceedings, timely punishment of unit crime to solve the substantive and procedural problems, to improve the modern market economic system.
The second part discusses the criminal procedure of unit crime and Its Enlightenment to China. Based on the typical civil law countries as Germany, France, Japan and the typical countries of Anglo American law system in Britain, America, Australia and other six countries, the comparison of unit crime criminal procedure inspection, can be seen in the six countries of unit crime although the criminal procedure is different in form and content, but the unit crime legislation, litigation representative system has the enlightenment significance to our country.
The third part through the analysis of the legislative status quo of China's judicial practice, pointed out that our country exists in the criminal procedure of unit crime on the problem: one is under the jurisdiction of the provisions of unit crime criminal procedure that is unknown in practice inconvenience; two is the legal representative of the provisions of the relevant law and unreasonable of the proceedings of unit crime process; three is the compulsory measures stipulated the unit crime is too simple, the relatively narrow range of compulsory measures is not conducive to the timely, combat crime units completely; four is in the unit in the unit crime of the defendant's right to defense is not fully guaranteed; five is the unit crime penalty execution is not in place, if not clear the specific implementation measures of fine penalty to enforce the execution of fine penalty security system is missing, the fine relief program in the actual operation is not standardized.
The fourth part puts forward relevant measures according to the existing criminal procedure of unit crime in China. Under the jurisdiction of unit crime, object of crime should be similar to determine the unit crime case filing jurisdiction, to the degree of fine penalty balance degree determine the level of jurisdiction of the person in charge of the crime, the jurisdiction of the court, the defendant residence the jurisdiction of the court to determine the auxiliary territorial jurisdiction; litigation representative system of unit crime should be abolished by the people's Procuratorate to determine the provisions of the defendant's litigation representative units, according to different conditions to provide a degree of security - quota by the defendant unit, notice entrusted or designated the legal representative of the two measures to ensure the criminal litigation well, for in absentia to solve the unit escape punishment; shall be compulsory measures for the existing units Coercive measures bail system applied to the unit defendant, add the special coercive measures against the unit; the unit defendant's right to defense the defendant and the unit shall guarantee the exercise of the natural defendant enjoys the right to defend the same; to the unit crime fine execution program should enforce the penalty of the crime unit, establish the implementation of security measures corresponding to the standard penalty relief program.



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