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评聂树斌案再审判决回避王书金 兼论《刑事诉讼法》第242条之修改

发布时间:2018-03-21 08:00

  本文选题:聂树斌 切入点:再审判决 出处:《中外法学》2017年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:Wang Shujin identified himself as the culprit, initiated and promoted the review process, and should also have an important impact on the revision of the retrial. However, the judgment of the retrial in Nie Shubin's case was based on the fact that "Wang's case is not within the scope of this case." It avoids the evaluation of the evidence fact that Wang Shu-jin has identified himself as the true culprit. Although this practice meets the specific requirements of the trial object, and can avoid obvious conflict with the judge in Wang Shu-jin 's case, it hinders the adequacy of the reason for the revision and the legitimacy of the judgment method. In order to ensure the full hearing of the case, according to the principles of the relevance of evidence and the independence of the trial court, because the facts of this case are found to be necessary, it is necessary to prove that the case is not a suspect in this case. The defendant's person may be the evidence of the perpetrator of the case for court investigation and evaluation of evidence. Zhang Hui, Zhang Gao Ping's retrial judgment may serve as an example. Article 242, item 1, of the current "Criminal procedure Law" stipulates that the standard of proof for new evidence is too high. Not conducive to the protection of human rights, to correct wrongs and wrongs. We should use the relevant laws to amend them.
【作者单位】: 四川大学法学院;


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