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发布时间:2018-03-21 08:53

  本文选题:律师伪证罪 切入点:追诉程序 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:辩护律师在刑事诉讼过程中发挥着维系控辩平衡、保护犯罪嫌疑人被告人合法权益的重要作用。但若辩护律师在行使职责的过程中,人身安全得不到保障,动则被侦控方拘捕,那么以上作用皆是镜花水月。1997年《刑法》新增设第306条对“辩护人、诉讼代理人毁灭证据、伪造证据、妨害作证罪”(以下简称律师伪证罪)的规定更是让担忧变为现实。司法实践中,不断有辩护律师因妨害作证的问题而身陷囹圄。律师界一直对《刑法》第306条给予了高度关注,甚至发出了废除该条的强烈呼声,然而解决问题的出路不在于实体法的存废,而在于是否有一个正当的诉讼程序来保障辩护律师免受不公正的追诉。修改后的《刑事诉讼法》第42条首次对律师伪证罪异地侦查管辖作出了规定,在程序上保障了辩护律师依法执业,避免了其遭受职业报复,具有重大的进步意义。所以本文以此为切入点,以律师伪证罪追诉程序为中心进行了相关研究。论文正文分三个部分,共约三万字: 第一部分主要介绍了律师伪证罪及其追诉程序的立法背景,对构建我国律师伪证罪追诉程序的必要性与重要意义进行了论述。1997年《刑法》第306条对律师伪证罪予以了明确的规定,该法条的出台立即在法学界引起了争议,学者大多从实体上去研究律师伪证罪。新《刑事诉讼法》首次对律师伪证罪的异地侦查管辖作出了特别规定,在构建律师伪证罪追诉程序的道路上迈出了开创性的一步。应当看到对律师伪证罪追诉程序的完善才是防止律师被不当追诉的治本之策。辩护律师在诉讼构造中处于一个弱势地位,与其抗衡的是极为强大的国家机关,因此在追诉程序的构造上理应对其倾斜关照。合理构建律师伪证罪追诉程序即是保障辩护权的需要,又是利益规避的需要,更是保障司法公正的需要。 第二部分主要对我国律师伪证罪追诉程序中存在的问题进行了概括,,并就原因进行了分析。根据相关案例基本可以总结出律师伪证罪的启动模式,这暴露出了律师伪证罪追诉程序的一系列问题。首先我国在追究律师伪证罪的诉讼程序中存在着行业处罚与刑罚混同的问题,这导致一些本应只受到行业处罚的辩护律师却遭到了刑事追诉。其次,当律师被追诉时,基本上是由律师承办案件的侦查机关负责侦查,这明显不符合利益规避的要求。并且律师一旦涉嫌伪证罪,往往会被控诉方直接拘捕,不受任何形式的中立司法机构审查。最后,新《刑事诉讼法》虽首次对律师伪证罪的异地管辖进行了规定,但却没有同时规定侦查机关违背异地管辖规则的程序性制裁措施,使得不规范的侦查行为仍然存在。造成上述问题的原因是多方面的:在立法上,《刑法》第306条本身就饱受诟病,《刑事诉讼法》42条对律师伪证罪的管辖规定也仍有缺陷;在刑事诉讼中,控辩双发由于职业冲突具有天然的对抗性,而我国不科学的公检法机关绩效考核更是在一定程度上加剧了这种对抗程度;律师协会作为律师的自律性组织自主性弱小,无法有效的管理律师及其保护律师的合法权益。再加上部分律师的职业道德状况的确堪忧,所以才会使公检机关对于这个“没人管的孩子”产生情绪化追诉。 第三部分主要探讨了如何构建我国律师伪证罪的追诉程序:其一,应完善我国的律师惩戒程序,将律师惩戒权交由律师协会行使,并将律师惩戒程序作为追究律师伪证罪的前置程序;其二,对于律师伪证罪的侦查只能由公安机关负责,具体程序的设置应当由办理辩护人承办案件的上一级公安机关侦查或由上一级公安机关指定其他公安机关立案管辖,同时应当赋予辩护律师涉嫌伪证罪时提出管辖权异议的权利;其三,在律师伪证罪中引入司法审查制度,并将司法审查的权力交给客观中立的审判机关,以此来防止侦控机关任意拘捕辩护律师、实施职业报复;最后,还应借鉴大陆法系国家的诉讼行为无效制度来惩罚并抑制公权力机关的不当追诉的行为。除了追诉程序的构建外,还应对《刑法》第306条、辩护律师豁免权等等相关措施进行修改完善,期望通过以上努力,保障我国辩护律师依法执业,免受不公正追诉。
[Abstract]:The defense lawyer plays to keep the balance in the criminal proceedings, an important role in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the suspects. But if the defense lawyers in the process of the exercise of duties, personal safety can not be guaranteed, is detected the arrest, then the above function is.1997 < > a mirage and insubstantial objects added to the new criminal law 306th the defender, law agent destroys evidence, falsifying evidence, the crime of obstruction of evidence "(hereinafter referred to as the crime of perjury) regulations is to let the reality. In judicial practice, there have been problems because of obstruction of evidence counsel in jail. Lawyers have been on" Criminal Law > 306th highly attention, and even issued a strong voice of the abolition of the article, but the way to solve the problem is not the abolition of substantive law, and whether there is a legitimate procedure to protect the lawyer from unfair The prosecution. The revised "Criminal Procedure Law > forty-second for the first time on the crime of perjury remote investigation jurisdiction stipulated in the procedural guarantee lawyers practicing law, avoid the occupation suffered retaliation, has great progress. So this article as a starting point, to the lawyer's perjury prosecution procedure as the center of related research. The essay is divided into three parts, a total of about thirty thousand words:
The first part mainly introduces the legislative background of crime of perjury and prosecution procedure, necessity and significance of constructing China's lawyer perjury prosecution procedure discussed in.1997 < criminal law > 306th lawyer perjury to be clearly defined, the law promulgated immediately in the law field caused controversy. Most of the scholars studied from the entity. The new lawyer perjury crime "Criminal Procedure Law > first lawyer perjury off-site investigation jurisdiction has made special provisions in the construction of the lawyer's perjury prosecution procedure of the road has taken a groundbreaking step. You should see the perfection of the crime of perjury prosecution procedure is to prevent the lawyer is permanent the policy of improper prosecution. Defense lawyers are in a weak position in the litigation structure, compete with the most powerful state organs, therefore in the construction of the procedure of prosecution should tilt it off It is the need to guarantee the right to defend the right of defense, and the need for the evasion of interests, and the need of the judicial justice.
The second part mainly summarizes the existing in our country's lawyer perjury prosecution procedure in question, and analyzes the reasons. According to the basic case can be summed up the start mode of lawyer's perjury, which exposed a series of problems of the crime of perjury prosecution procedure. The punishment and penalty industry confusion problems first the first in China to pursue the lawyer's perjury proceedings, which resulted in some of this should only be subject to trade sanctions defense lawyer has been criminal prosecution. Secondly, when the lawyer accused, basically is the lawyer in charge of the case investigation organs responsible for the investigation, this obviously does not meet the requirements. And avoid the interests of lawyers once suspected of perjury, often accused of directly arrested without any form of judicial review mechanism is neutral. Finally, the new "criminal procedural law > lawyer perjury is for the first time the jurisdiction of The rules, but not at the same time the jurisdiction rules of procedural sanctions against the investigation organ, making the investigation of behavior is not standard still exists. The reason for these problems are as follows: in legislation, < > 306th of criminal law itself is criticized, "under the jurisdiction of criminal proceedings law >42 of lawyers perjury is still flawed; in criminal proceedings, the double hair due to occupation conflict has natural antagonism, while China's public security organs are not scientific performance appraisal is to some extent exacerbated the degree of confrontation; lawyers association as a self regulatory organization of small independent lawyers, unable to effectively manage the lawyer and to protect the lawful rights and interests of lawyers. Occupation moral status plus part of the lawyer is indeed, it will make the judiciary organs produce emotional prosecution for the" nobody's child ".
The third part mainly discusses how to construct our procedure of prosecution lawyer perjury: first, we should improve our lawyer disciplinary procedures, the lawyer punishment rights exercised by the lawyers association, and the lawyer disciplinary procedures as for pre procedure lawyer perjury; second, the lawyer perjury investigation can only be responsible for public security organ specific procedures shall be set up by the people in charge of the case for defending a police investigation by a public security organ or other designated public security organs jurisdiction, and shall give the defense lawyer suspected of perjury when raised objection to the jurisdiction rights; thirdly, introduce the judicial review system in the crime of perjury, and the power of judicial review to the objective and impartial judicial organs, in order to prevent the arbitrary arrest of prosecutorial authority attorney, the implementation of occupation of revenge; finally, we should draw lessons from the continental law system The improper behavior of the state prosecution litigation invalid system to punish and restrain the public authority behavior. In addition to building the procedure of prosecution, criminal law should also < > 306th, the defense lawyer's right of immunity to revise and improve the related measures and so on, through all the above efforts, safeguard China's defense lawyer practicing law, from unfair prosecution.



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