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发布时间:2018-03-21 12:20

  本文选题:民事诉讼 切入点:非法证据 出处:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在民事诉讼中确立民事非法证据排除规则,具有保护公民合法权益,维护宪法权威;维护程序公正,体现人权保障原则;保护双方当事人诉讼武器的平等、提高诉讼效益等重要法律价值。然而,我国民事诉讼法一直没有对非法证据排除问题作出明确规定。2012年我国《民事诉讼法》进行修改后,也只是增加了一条“民事诉讼应当遵循诚实信用原则”,不能不说这多少有点令人失望。现在我国关于民事诉讼非法证据排除的规定主要有两个,即:最高人民法院在1995年的一个《录音批复》和2001年的《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第68条规定,但是该规则很不完善,缺乏可操作性,在实践中引发不少问题。因此,笔者将从这些问题入手,,提出自己对于构建我国民事诉讼非法证据排除规则的一些设想。 本篇文章由四个部分组成。第一章为我国民事诉讼非法证据排除规则的现状及问题。第二章是民事诉讼非法证据排除规则的理论基础。第三章是民事诉讼非法证排除规则的历史发展及立法演变。第四章是我国民事诉讼非法证据排除规则的体系构建。
[Abstract]:The establishment of rules for the exclusion of civil illegal evidence in civil proceedings has the following characteristics: protecting citizens' legitimate rights and interests, safeguarding constitutional authority, safeguarding procedural justice, embodying the principle of safeguarding human rights, protecting the equality of litigant weapons between the two parties, However, China's Civil procedure Law has not made a clear provision on the exclusion of illegal evidence. After the amendment of our country's Civil procedure Law in 2012, It is only an addition of "the principle of good faith should be followed in civil proceedings." it cannot but be said that this is somewhat disappointing. At present, there are mainly two provisions concerning the exclusion of illegal evidence in civil proceedings in our country. That is, Article 68 of the Supreme people's Court in 1995 and 2001, but the rules are imperfect and lack of maneuverability, causing a lot of problems in practice. The author will start with these problems and put forward some tentative ideas on the construction of illegal evidence exclusion rules in civil litigation in our country. This article is composed of four parts. The first chapter is the current situation and problems of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence in civil action in China. The second chapter is the theoretical basis of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence in civil action. The third chapter is the illegal rule of civil action. Chapter 4th is the system construction of illegal evidence exclusion rules in civil litigation in China.


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