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  本文选题:行政指导 切入点:行政指导侵权 出处:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:二战以后,日本经济逐步恢复并呈现腾飞局面,其中一个重要原因即行政指导制度在日本行政执法的广泛运用取得了巨大成功。在我国转变经济体制以后,行政指导制度在我国也逐渐推广运用,随着国家法治政府理念的推广深入,行政指导作为一种有别于传统行政行为的新型行政行为得到行政机关的青睐,不少学者们的研究成果也在表明行政指导制度的重要性和先进性。然而行政指导制度在我国的运用时间并不长,国家在推行行政指导的同时还没有制定相应的立法规范以及行政指导侵权救济机制。 行政指导的制度价值是不可否认的,但在没有法律规制的情况下,实践中行政机关及其工作人员以强制方式迫使行政相对人接受行政指导、行政指导内容违法、对行政相对人进行利益诱导后又拒绝履行承诺等对行政相对人合法权益造成侵害的案例不在少数。本文在对我国行政指导侵权的成因进行总结后,概括分析了目前我国行政指导侵权救济的状况。行政指导侵权现象在世界范围内是普遍存在的,关键是国家设置何种监督救济机制来应对处理。本文对日本、美国、法国这三个世界主要国家的行政指导侵权救济机制做了研究并进行了相应评析,在参考、借鉴外国立法实践的基础上笔者在立法、行政、司法等方面,提出了对我国行政指导侵权救济机制的构想和建议。 本文除引言、结语外,共分为四个部分。 第一部分,对行政指导以及行政指导侵权进行了概念解析,通过综合学界对两者概念的界定提出了笔者个人的看法;第二部分,对我国行政指导侵权的原因进行了总结,主要包括官本位思想严重、行政指导法律制度不健全以及主观认识不足几个方面;第三部分,对日本、美国、法国这几个世界主要国家的行政指导制度进行了介绍,,并对其行政指导侵权救济机制进行了列举和评析。 最后一部分,在前三个部分的基础上对我国行政指导侵权救济机制提出了笔者的构想,主要包括对《侵权责任法》、《行政诉讼法》、《国家赔偿法》等法律进行修改、完善行政补偿制度、设立人大专员监督机制等内容。
[Abstract]:After World War II, the Japanese economy gradually recovered and took off, one of the important reasons is that the extensive application of the administrative guidance system in Japan's administrative law enforcement has achieved great success. The administrative guidance system has been gradually popularized and applied in our country. With the promotion of the concept of the government ruled by law, administrative guidance, as a new type of administrative behavior different from the traditional administrative behavior, has been favored by the administrative organs. The research results of many scholars have also demonstrated the importance and advanced nature of the administrative guidance system. However, the administrative guidance system has not been used in our country for a long time. At the same time, the state has not formulated the corresponding legislative norms and administrative guidance infringement relief mechanism. The institutional value of administrative guidance is undeniable, but in the absence of legal regulation, in practice, administrative organs and their staff force administrative counterparts to accept administrative guidance in a compulsory manner, and the contents of administrative guidance are illegal. There are quite a few cases of infringement on the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart after inducing the interests of the administrative counterpart and refusing to fulfill the promise. This paper summarizes the causes of the infringement of the administrative guidance in our country. This paper summarizes and analyzes the current situation of tort relief of administrative guidance in our country. The phenomenon of infringement of administrative guidance is universal in the world, and the key is what kind of supervisory relief mechanism is set up by the state to deal with it. The administrative guidance tort relief mechanism of three major countries in the world, France, has been studied and evaluated accordingly. On the basis of reference and drawing lessons from foreign legislative practice, the author has made a study on the legislative, administrative and judicial aspects. This paper puts forward some ideas and suggestions on the remedy mechanism of infringement of administrative guidance in our country. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts. In the first part, the author analyzes the concept of administrative guidance and the infringement of administrative guidance, and puts forward the author's personal views on the definition of the two concepts through the comprehensive academic circles; the second part, summarizes the reasons for the infringement of administrative guidance in China. The third part introduces the administrative guidance system of Japan, the United States, France and other major countries in the world. And its administrative guidance infringement relief mechanism is listed and evaluated. In the last part, on the basis of the first three parts, the author puts forward the author's conception on the relief mechanism of tort under administrative guidance, which mainly includes amending the Law of Tort liability, the Law of Administrative procedure, the Law of State compensation, and so on. Improve the administrative compensation system, set up the National people's Congress Commissioner supervision mechanism and other content.


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