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发布时间:2018-03-22 13:05

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 切入点:证明责任 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在我国法律规定和司法实践中,刑事诉讼的证明责任都是由控诉方承担,辩护方几乎不承担任何证明责任。这不利于查清事实真相和提高诉讼效率。本文对刑事辩护方承担证明责任的理论问题进行分析,通过对其他国家制度的借鉴,对我国制度构建提出了合理性建议。全文一共分为四个部分: 第一部分提出问题引发思考,论述了证明责任的基本理论,包括证明责任概念和诉讼证明的要素等。本部分还对刑事证明责任的特殊性进行了分析。 第二部分主要论述的是刑事证明责任分配,说明了刑事证明责任的客观责任由法律分配,主观责任由法官心证分配。本部分还论述了刑事证明责任分配的理论基础和刑事辩护方承担证明责任的正当性。 第三部分是对国外的辩护方证明责任制度进行考察。 第四部分对我国的刑事辩护方证明制度的现状进行分析,指出了存在的问题,并对相关制度的构建提供了方案,特别借鉴民事诉讼理论,以犯罪要件的分类为基础确定辩护方证明责任的范围。
[Abstract]:In our country's legal provisions and judicial practice, the burden of proof in criminal proceedings is borne by the complainant. The defense bears almost no burden of proof. This is not conducive to finding out the truth and improving the efficiency of the proceedings. This paper analyzes the theoretical problem of the criminal defense to bear the burden of proof, and draws lessons from the systems of other countries. This paper puts forward some reasonable suggestions for the construction of our country's system. The whole paper is divided into four parts:. In the first part, the author puts forward some questions and discusses the basic theory of burden of proof, including the concept of burden of proof and the elements of proof of litigation, etc. This part also analyzes the particularity of the responsibility of criminal proof. The second part mainly discusses the distribution of the burden of criminal proof, and explains that the objective responsibility of the burden of criminal proof is assigned by law. This part also discusses the theoretical basis of the distribution of criminal burden of proof and the legitimacy of the burden of proof of criminal defense. The third part is to investigate the burden of proof system in foreign countries. The fourth part analyzes the current situation of the criminal defense system in China, points out the existing problems, and provides a scheme for the construction of the relevant system, especially drawing lessons from the theory of civil procedure. The scope of the defence's burden of proof is determined on the basis of the classification of elements of crimes.


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