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发布时间:2018-03-23 23:03

  本文选题:民事非法证据 切入点:判断标准 出处:《大连海事大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 确立民事非法证据排除规则的主要目的是通过否认非法证据的证据能力,以有效地遏制民事诉讼中的非法取证行为,保护当事人的合法权益。由于非法证据排除规则体现对非法取证行为的彻底否定,尽管难免造成案件客观真实的失落,但却为树立权利保障、正当程序观念,以及尽可能地达到既实现程序公正合法、又符合案件的客观真实的理想的诉讼状态提供了保障。有鉴于此,本文对民事非法证据排除规则进行了较为系统、全面的分析,并指出了完善我国民事非法证据排除规则的具体建议,以期能对我国民事司法制度的改革与完善有所裨益。本文除引言和结论外,分五个部分进行论述: 第一部分是民事非法证据排除规则的基本问题。首先分析了民事非法证据排除规则的基本内涵,其中包括:“非法”的含义,“民事非法证据”的含义以及“民事非法证据排除规则”的含义;之后又对民事非法证据排除规则进行了价值分析,明确指出了它所具有的保障基本人权、体现程序正义以及维护社会整体利益之重要价值。 第二部分是民事非法证据排除规则的理论基础。在这部分主要是从程序公正理论和利益权衡理论入手,为确立民事非法证据排除规则提供了全面而坚实的理论支撑。其中在利益衡量理论部分,讨论了实体公正与程序公正、公正与效率、客观真实与法律真实这三对诉讼价值的冲突与取舍。 第三部分是民事非法证据排除规则的立法比较。该部分主要是通过对英美法系和大陆法系在非法证据的判断标准、非法取证的法律后果、规则的确立形式这三个关键性问题上作出比较并对其作出评述,进而从中总结出了宝贵的立法及司法实务经验以供我国借鉴。 第四部分是我国民事非法证据排除规则的立法与实践。该部分在对我国民事非法证据排除规则的立法现状进行详细分析的基础上,明确指出了我国现行民事非法证据排除规则的缺陷:第一,非法证据判断标准不够完善。第二,程序性保障制度不完善。 第五部分是我国民事非法证据排除规则的完善。在以上考察与分析的基础上,首先分析了在我国确立民事非法证据排除规则的现实意义,然后有针对性地对我国民事非法证据排除规则的完善提出了合理化建议:第一,通过确定实质标准、规定例外情况、授予法官自由裁量权从而对非法证据判断标准进行完善。第二,设立与之相配套的程序性保障制度,即进一步完善当事人收集证据的保障措施,并建立适用民事非法证据排除规则的相关程序。
[Abstract]:The main purpose of establishing the rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence is to effectively restrain the illegal evidence collection in civil proceedings by denying the evidence capacity of illegal evidence. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. Because the exclusionary rule of illegal evidence reflects the total negation of illegal evidence collection, although it inevitably causes the loss of the objective and true nature of the case, it is necessary to establish the concept of right protection and due process. And as far as possible to achieve procedural justice and legitimacy, but also in line with the case of the objective and real ideal state of litigation to provide security. In view of this, this paper makes a more systematic and comprehensive analysis of the rules of exclusion of civil illegal evidence. It also points out the concrete suggestions to perfect the rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence in order to benefit the reform and perfection of our country's civil judicial system. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into five parts. The first part is the basic problems of the exclusion rules of civil illegal evidence. It includes: the meaning of "illegal", the meaning of "civil illegal evidence" and the meaning of "civil illegal evidence exclusion rule", and then the value analysis of the civil illegal evidence exclusion rule. It clearly points out that it has the important value of protecting basic human rights, embodying procedural justice and safeguarding the overall interests of society. The second part is the theoretical basis of the rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence. In this part, it mainly starts with the theory of procedural justice and the theory of balancing interests. It provides a comprehensive and solid theoretical support for the establishment of the rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence. In the part of the theory of interest measurement, it discusses the substantive justice and procedural justice, justice and efficiency. The conflict and trade-off between objective truth and legal truth. The third part is the legislative comparison of the exclusion rules of civil illegal evidence. This part mainly through the common law system and civil law system in illegal evidence judgment standard, illegal evidence of the legal consequences. This paper makes a comparison and comments on the three key issues of the establishment of rules, and sums up valuable legislative and judicial practical experience for our country to draw lessons from. The fourth part is the legislation and practice of the rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence in China, which is based on the detailed analysis of the current legislative situation of the rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence in China. This paper points out the defects of the current rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence in our country: first, the judgment standard of illegal evidence is not perfect enough; secondly, the procedural safeguard system is not perfect. The fifth part is the perfection of the exclusion rules of civil illegal evidence in our country. On the basis of the above investigation and analysis, this paper first analyzes the practical significance of establishing the exclusion rules of civil illegal evidence in our country. Then it puts forward some reasonable suggestions on the perfection of the rule of exclusion of civil illegal evidence in China: first, by determining the substantive standard, the exception is stipulated. The judge is given the discretion to perfect the judgment standard of illegal evidence. Second, set up the corresponding procedural safeguard system, that is, to further improve the safeguard measures for the parties to collect evidence. And establish the application of civil illegal evidence exclusion rules related procedures.


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