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发布时间:2018-03-24 00:05

  本文选题:政府信息公开 切入点:行政诉讼 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会主义市场经济的持续发展,人类已经进入信息化时代,信息与信息技术的革命席卷全球,信息在经济社会发展方面担当着日益重要的角色。政府信息从具体内容上讲包括房屋拆迁、公务员招考、行政处罚、行政区划、食品、药品等信息,这些都关乎着公民、个人、组织乃至国家的利益。从法律层面上讲,知情权亦是法律赋予主体的正当权利,政府进行信息公开无疑是保障社会主体各项合法权益的有效途径,最大限度地实现人民当家作主的政治地位。于此同时,政府信息公开制度给社会监督政府工作提供了良好的平台,在一定程度上,可以视为促使行政机关依法行政的倒逼机制。为此,有效发挥政府信息公开制度的作用对建设“阳光型政府”至关重要,顺应了构建社会主义和谐社会的时代潮流。 《政府信息公开条例》、《公务员法》、《国务院全面推进依法行政实施纲要》、《行政处罚法》的出台,政府信息公开制度得以初步确立,这在民主政治建设史上迈出了重要的一步。然而,在司法实务当中,公民的知情权没有得到切实有效地保障,信息公开制度不能实现法律效果和社会效果的统一,动摇着司法权威。由于我国的政府信息公开制度的起步较晚,进入诉讼程序后,面临当事人资格、审理判决、受案范围、适用程序等问题。本文先从政府信息公开制度的一般理论入手,从整体上对政府信息公开诉讼进行了解,在此过程中,对政府信息及其例外范围进行界定则是探究政府信息公开诉讼制度的关键。《条例》对国家秘密、商业秘密、个人隐私的信息作出了保护性的规定,但在实践当中,也要遵循行政诉讼法公认的比例原则,即在个人利益与公共利益间进行考量,并不是一味的保护个人利益。并且,通过对我国信息公开制度存在的具体问题进行梳理,对域外诸如英国、美国、日本等典型性国家的制度进行比较分析,尽己微薄之力,对我国现有的政府信息公开诉讼制度提出几点完善意见。
[Abstract]:With the sustainable development of socialist market economy, mankind has entered the information age, and the revolution of information and information technology has swept the world. Information plays an increasingly important role in economic and social development. Government information, in terms of specific contents, includes information on house demolition, civil servant recruitment, administrative punishment, administrative divisions, food, medicine, etc., all of which are related to citizens and individuals. From the legal level, the right to know is also the legitimate right given by the law to the subject. It is undoubtedly an effective way to protect the legal rights and interests of the social subject that the government makes the information public. At the same time, the open system of government information provides a good platform for social supervision of government work, to a certain extent, Therefore, giving full play to the function of government information disclosure system is very important to the construction of "sunshine government" and conforms to the trend of constructing socialist harmonious society. With the promulgation of the regulations on the publicity of Government Information, the Law on Civil servants, the outline of the State Council for comprehensively promoting the implementation of Administration according to Law, and the Law on Administrative punishment, the system of publicity of government information has been preliminarily established. This is an important step in the history of the construction of democratic politics. However, in judicial practice, the citizens' right to know has not been effectively protected, and the system of information disclosure cannot achieve the unification of legal and social effects. Vacillating the judicial authority. Because of the late start of the public system of government information in our country, after entering the legal proceedings, we are faced with the qualification of the parties, the adjudication, and the scope of the cases. This article starts with the general theory of the government information disclosure system, and makes a general understanding of the government information disclosure litigation. In this process, The definition of government information and its exceptional scope is the key to explore the litigation system of government information disclosure. The regulations provide protective provisions for state secrets, trade secrets, and personal privacy, but in practice, It is also necessary to follow the universally recognized principle of proportionality in administrative procedure law, that is, to consider between personal interests and public interests, instead of blindly protecting personal interests. Moreover, by sorting out the specific problems existing in the information disclosure system in our country, This paper makes a comparative analysis of the systems of foreign countries such as Britain, the United States, Japan and so on, and puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the existing litigation system of government information disclosure in our country.


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