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发布时间:2018-03-23 23:28

  本文选题:法官角色 切入点:司法公正 出处:《青海民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在刑事诉讼活动中,法官角色的重要性是毋庸置疑的。刑事案件的审判结果相对于其他案件的审判结果,往往更密切关系当事人最切身的利益,甚至是自由和生命的权益。当法官在审理案件时,最理想的效果是审判结果公平公正,纠纷得以恰当解决。然而,纠纷的解决,审判结果的正确做出,往往关系到审判的各个环节以及法官在此过程中所扮演的角色。因此,通过对在刑事审判过程各个环节中法官的角色的分析,对未来司法改革中作为司法公正的担当者——法官的角色定位以及提出法官角色重构提出相应的路径和方法,从而实现司法公正的目标。 本文是以法社会学视角切入,通过冤假错案等案例分析,运用过程分析方法以及实证研究,对法官在刑事诉讼审判过程中各个环节的角色分析和定位。法官角色的重构设想,是一项任重道远的工程,需要外部环节的改变以及法官自身对法律职业角色的努力,在追求司法公正这一目标实现的同时,确保法官角色的正确定位和公正审判权的行使。 本文绪论中,简要介绍了文章所研究的问题,研究的必要性以及研究的方法和特点。 在第一章到第五章中,对法庭调查质证环节、法庭合议环节、刑事和解环节以及法庭判决环节中,分析法官角色在各个环节的实际扮演,通过调研获取的数据资料以及结合相关的案例分析,做出实证性的论证,明确法官角色及其定位。 最后一章中,是根据实证研究的结果,对未来司法改革中法官角色的重构提出设想,通过有针对性的手段与措施,提出解决办法,,促使法官公正审判,维护司法公正。
[Abstract]:There is no doubt about the importance of the role of a judge in criminal proceedings. The outcome of a criminal case is often more closely related to the most immediate interests of the parties than the outcome of other cases. Even freedom and the rights of life. When a judge hears a case, the ideal effect is that the trial result is fair and just, and the dispute is properly resolved. However, the settlement of the dispute and the correct decision of the trial result, It is often related to the various aspects of the trial and the role of the judge in the process. Therefore, through the analysis of the role of the judge in all aspects of the criminal justice process, In order to realize the goal of judicial justice, the author puts forward the orientation of the role of the judge and the reconstruction of the judge's role in the future judicial reform. From the perspective of sociology of law, through case analysis, process analysis and empirical research, this paper analyzes and orientates the role of judges in all aspects of the trial of criminal procedure, and conceive the reconstruction of judges' roles. It is a project with a long way to go. It needs the change of external links and the efforts of judges themselves to achieve the goal of judicial justice, while ensuring the correct positioning of the role of judges and the exercise of the right to a fair trial. In the introduction of this paper, the problems, the necessity, the methods and characteristics of the research are briefly introduced. In the first to fifth chapters, we analyze the actual role of the judge in each link in the investigation and cross-examination of the court, the collegiality of the court, the criminal settlement and the court judgment. Based on the data obtained by investigation and analysis of relevant cases, this paper makes a positive argument to clarify the role of judges and their positioning. In the last chapter, according to the results of empirical research, the author puts forward some ideas on the reconstruction of judges' role in the future judicial reform, and puts forward solutions through targeted means and measures to promote the judges' fair trial and maintain judicial justice.


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