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发布时间:2018-03-24 12:25

  本文选题:特邀调解 切入点:委托调解 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On June 29, 2016, the Supreme people's Court of China formulated the provisions of the Supreme people's Court on Special invitation Mediation of the people's Court, that is, the legal interpretation of document [2016] 14 (hereinafter referred to as "the provisions on specially invited Mediation"). The system of specially invited mediation has been since China's reform and opening up. After a long period of practice and exploration by the judiciary, in addition to having a very deep cultural foundation, this system also plays a very effective role in resolving contradictions in the general social environment today. In order to implement this initiative, Courts all over the country are actively and steadily recruiting mediation organizations or individuals to become specially invited mediation organizations or specially invited mediators. The "Special invitation Mediation provisions" promulgated in 2016 is a further innovation and refinement of the entrusted mediation system of the people's courts in China. It has solved many disadvantages of the old system of court entrustment mediation, but the problems exposed by this regulation in practice are also very difficult. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to accelerate the research on the special invitation mediation system of the people's court of our country. The first chapter introduces the concept and foundation of the special invitation mediation system of the people's court of our country, the second chapter introduces the principles that the system should follow in practice. The third chapter introduces the development of the old commission mediation system, the fourth chapter introduces the functions of the special invitation mediation system, and the fifth chapter introduces the problems exposed in practice. In the sixth chapter, according to the problems exposed in practice, the corresponding solutions are given.


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