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发布时间:2018-03-24 13:31

  本文选题:仲裁 切入点:财产保全 出处:《中国政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:仲裁财产保全程序是仲裁制度中一项十分重要的程序,其设计的科学合理将有效保障未来生效仲裁裁决的执行,收到良好的纠纷解决效果。而我国当前立法对该程序并未予以充分重视,立法中的相关规定过于原则,不够明确详细,与国际商事仲裁的理论发展和实践需要严重脱节。本文就试图将我国的仲裁财产保全程序做一系统梳理,通过与国际商事仲裁领域的立法例和实践中做法进行横向比较,来找出我国的立法滞后和欠缺之处,同时通过与诉讼保全程序的对比研究,探索我国仲裁财产保全程序的立法完善之道。全文共分四章,第一章探讨了仲裁财产保全的概念、程序性质、程序设置、与相关制度的界限界定及其价值追求;第二章探析了财产保全的申请程序;第三章研究了财产保全的决定权和执行权;第四章分析了我国财产保全的救济程序。通过第一章理论铺垫以期对仲裁财产保全程序有一个宏观把握,笔者在后面四章中运用大量对比研究的方法,分析了国际商事仲裁领域的通行做法和有效经验,探讨我国相关立法的缺陷和未来需改进完善之处:如申请程序中的担保问题;仲裁财产保全的决定权归属问题;域外执行规定的欠缺;救济程序中的细化复议程序、增加财产保全解除的情形、增加第三人异议程序、细化申请错误赔偿问题等。 笔者本欲进行更深入细化的探讨,以期提出更科学细化的立法完善建议,但由于该论题可供参考的资料有限,笔者囿于有限的理论水平和实践经验,仅能作出此番探讨,至少能抛砖引玉点出一些问题,在此恳请专家指导斧正。
[Abstract]:The procedure of preservation of arbitration property is a very important procedure in the arbitration system. The scientific and reasonable design of the procedure will effectively guarantee the execution of the arbitration award that will come into effect in the future. The current legislation of our country has not paid enough attention to this procedure, and the relevant provisions in the legislation are too principled and not clear and detailed. This paper tries to sort out the arbitration property preservation procedure of our country systematically, and makes a horizontal comparison with the legislation and practice in the field of international commercial arbitration. In order to find out the legislative lag and deficiency of our country, at the same time, through the comparative study with the litigation preservation procedure, it explores the way to perfect the legislation of our country's arbitration property preservation procedure. The paper is divided into four chapters, the first chapter discusses the concept of the arbitration property preservation. The nature of the procedure, the establishment of the procedure, the definition of the boundary with the relevant system and its value pursuit; the second chapter analyzes the application procedure of property preservation; the third chapter studies the right to decide and execute the property preservation; The fourth chapter analyzes the relief procedure of property preservation in our country. Through the theory of chapter 1, the author tries to have a macroscopic grasp of the procedure of arbitration property preservation. The author uses a large number of comparative research methods in the following four chapters. This paper analyzes the current practice and effective experience in the field of international commercial arbitration, and probes into the defects of the relevant legislation in our country and the improvement and perfection in the future, such as the guarantee in the application procedure, the ownership of the right to decide on the preservation of arbitration property; The deficiency of the extra-territorial enforcement; the detailed reconsideration procedure in the relief procedure, the increase of the situation of property preservation and release, the increase of the third party's dissent procedure, the refinement of the application for error compensation and so on. The author would like to make a more thorough and detailed discussion in order to put forward more scientific and detailed suggestions for legislative perfection. However, due to the limited information available for reference on this topic, the author can only make this discussion because of his limited theoretical level and practical experience. At least can point out some problems, in this request for expert guidance ax straight.


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