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发布时间:2018-03-25 21:49

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 切入点:庭前会议 出处:《内蒙古大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the number of criminal cases in our country has increased by a large margin. The grass-roots courts are faced with the contradiction between the limited judicial resources and the increasing judicial tasks. This contradiction not only hinders the efficiency of the trial. Moreover, the quality of the trial is reduced, which has a great impact on the credibility of the judicial system in our country. In order to resolve the above-mentioned contradictions, an additional preparatory procedure is added before the formal trial to resolve the procedural problems. How to perfect the preparatory procedure is a question that has been discussed in criminal procedure circles. As an added system of criminal procedure law in China, the system has the function of clearing up the obstacles of trial and combing the focus of disputes. It is of great help to resolve the difficulties of "more cases with fewer people" and protracted cases in our country's grass-roots courts. Although the pretrial meeting is a part of the trial, it has assumed the independent procedural value, whether for the sake of substantive justice and procedural justice. Whether to implement the responsibility system of handling cases with consistent powers and responsibilities requires that the criminal responsibility of the accused be resolved through trial at the trial stage. This is the essence of the materialization of the trial. It is also the foothold of "court centrism". The purpose of setting up the pre-court meeting system is to serve the trial. Therefore, perfecting the pretrial conference system can enable the judicial organs to implement and implement the "trial centralism" and promote the materialization of the trial. There are still many defects and deficiencies in the pretrial conference system in our country. For example, the scope of application of the pre-court meeting is relatively shallow, the judges' functions are not differentiated, it is easy to form the preliminary hearing, and the pre-court meeting lacks the substantive effect. In this paper, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve the relevant system, hoping to enrich the theory of criminal procedure law of our country, and hope to provide theoretical help for the judicial reform in the future.


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