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发布时间:2018-03-25 23:29

  本文选题:立案登记制 切入点:立案审查 出处:《理论探索》2015年02期

[Abstract]:The registration system can protect the litigant's right of action to the maximum extent, which is helpful to give full play to the due function of the judicature. The formation of any case must conform to the procedural and substantive elements stipulated by law, so, A case must be examined. The registration system does not reject the examination of the court, but instead puts the examination in the procedure, changing the previous "first examination, then filing" to "first filing." "Post-examination", giving the parties sufficient procedural protection. To construct the registration system, it is still necessary to make further provisions in the aspects of the filing agency, the form of pleadings, the post-case review, and so on.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学;


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