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发布时间:2018-03-26 04:28

  本文选题:司法公正 切入点:司法独立 出处:《西北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在深化司法体制改革不断前进的道路中,新的社会行为和矛盾纠纷层出不穷,影响司法公正的新问题也不断出现,使得公平正义的价值理念也有了时代性的新要求。群众对司法公正的关注度越发高涨,司法的公正性成为了社会文明发展和谐进步的重要指标,但要想彻底实现公正还需要不断探索和努力。 本文立足于当今社会新形势的大背景下,从司法与司法公正的内涵入手,在分析我国实现司法公正中存在问题的基础上,结合司法公正的价值及其评判标准,对影响司法公正的因素提出一条符合我国现实发展的全新的司法公正路径,期望对我国司法公正的实现尽份微薄之力。文章主要包括五个方面: 第一部分,论述了选题的背景、目的及意义,以及研究现状综述和研究方法。 第二部分,论述了司法的意义和司法公正的内涵。从司法的特征和司法公正的价值入手论述司法公正的内涵表现。 第三部分,分析了司法公正的评判标准。通过不同观点的评价标准探讨,阐述司法公正具有相对性,公正的评判标准包括实体公正与程序公正,以及社会标准。 第四部分,通过分析当今我国司法不公现象的具体表现形式,讨论影响司法公正的原因。 第五部分,结合我国新的发展形势,针对我国实现司法公正的困境,提出一种现实的司法公J正实现路径,具体解决司法公正实现过程中出现的各种阻碍因素。
[Abstract]:In the course of deepening the reform of the judicial system, new social behaviors and contradictions and disputes emerge in endlessly, and new problems affecting judicial justice continue to emerge. The value concept of fairness and justice also has the new requirements of the times. People pay more and more attention to judicial justice, and judicial impartiality has become an important indicator of the harmonious development and progress of social civilization. But if we want to realize justice thoroughly, we still need to explore and make great efforts. Based on the background of the new social situation, this paper begins with the connotation of judicature and judicial justice, on the basis of analyzing the problems existing in the realization of judicial justice in our country, combining the value of judicial justice and its judgment standard. This paper puts forward a new path of judicial justice in line with the actual development of our country, and expects to make a modest contribution to the realization of judicial justice in our country. The article mainly includes five aspects:. The first part discusses the background, purpose and significance of the topic, as well as the current situation of research and research methods. The second part discusses the meaning of justice and the connotation of judicial justice, and discusses the connotation of judicial justice from the characteristics of justice and the value of judicial justice. In the third part, the author analyzes the evaluation standard of judicial justice, and expounds the relativity of judicial justice, which includes substantive justice, procedural justice and social standard through the discussion of evaluation standards from different viewpoints. The fourth part, through analyzing the concrete manifestation of the phenomenon of judicial injustice in our country, discusses the reasons that affect the judicial justice. In the fifth part, according to the new development situation of our country, aiming at the dilemma of realizing judicial justice in our country, the author puts forward a kind of realistic justice public J realizing path, and solves all kinds of hindrance factors that appear in the process of realizing judicial justice concretely.


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