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发布时间:2018-03-26 10:51

  本文选题:民事执行 切入点:宅地豁免 出处:《法律适用》2017年05期

[Abstract]:The homestead exemption system is an important part of the property exemption system in the civil execution procedure of the United States. The system is relatively perfect. The absence of the exemption system for the execution of real estate in China or the difficulty in implementing the only real estate in practice is a deep reason. It is more urgent and positive to establish the exemption system of real estate execution in our country. Inspired by the exemption system of homestead in the United States, the author suggests that the identification standard, the principle of disposal and the amount of exemption should be taken into account. In order to draw a clear boundary for the exercise of enforcement power and to carry out the execution in a lawful and orderly manner under the clearer expectations of the parties, the non-applicable situation and the claims of procedures are established and perfected in our country's real estate execution exemption system in order to draw a clearer boundary for the exercise of the enforcement power. Scientific and reasonable disposal of the only real estate executed, to solve the implementation of difficult problems in practice.
【作者单位】: 中央财经大学法学院;


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