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发布时间:2018-03-26 13:29

  本文选题:现行犯 切入点:诉讼程序 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着迅速出警机制的建立和社区管理的不断完善,我国破获的现行犯案件数量日益增加,现行犯案件在案件总量中的比例持续攀升。我国针对现行犯案件并未规定特别的处理程序,针对现行犯案件仍然使用普通程序处理。实践中被羁押的犯罪嫌疑人即使是证据充分、案件轻微的现行犯,对其长期羁押的现象仍然十分常见。这不仅不利于对犯罪嫌疑人的人权保护,也不利于案件得到及时有效的处理。在这种大背景下,,对于现行犯案件适用特别处理程序尤为必要。 我国现行的刑事诉讼法规定了对于现行犯可以适用先行拘留的几种情形,但是法律并未明确规定现行犯的概念,这导致实践中对于现行犯案件确立标准和适用范围的混乱。纵观世界各国法律,许多国家的法律都明确界定了现行犯的内涵,并针对现行犯案件适用迅速审判的处理程序。由于现行犯案件有着不同于普通刑事案件的特点,这类案件一般犯罪事实清楚、证据较为充分,因此再对现行犯案件适用普通程序处理明显不符合诉讼效率的价值目标,也不利于对犯罪嫌疑人的人权保护。鉴于此,我国有必要借鉴国外对于现行犯立法的先进经验,确立我国现行犯案件的特别处理程序。 在构建现行犯案件速决程序的过程中,应注意我国特有的违法行为追诉机制的影响,以及速决程序是否有违无罪推定原则。本文首先介绍了我国现行法律对于现行犯的规定及存在的问题,随后借鉴国外对于现行犯的立法经验,确立了自己对于现行犯概念的界定。其次对现行犯诉讼程序的历史发展进行了梳理,并对几个国家的现行犯处理程序进行了比较研究。再次针对我国现行犯案件的处理现状进行了评价和总结。最后提出了如何构建我国现行犯案件的处理程序,以及构建过程中应注意的问题。
[Abstract]:With the rapid establishment of police mechanism and the continuous improvement of community management, the number of current criminal cases cracked in our country is increasing day by day. The proportion of current criminal cases in the total number of cases continues to rise. China has not stipulated special procedures for handling cases of current crimes. For cases of current crimes, ordinary procedures are still used to deal with them. In practice, criminal suspects who are detained even if the evidence is sufficient and the case is minor, The phenomenon of their prolonged detention is still very common. This is not only detrimental to the protection of the human rights of criminal suspects, but also to the timely and effective handling of cases. It is necessary to apply special procedure to the current crime cases. The current criminal procedure law of our country provides for several cases in which advance detention can be applied to the current crime, but the law does not clearly specify the concept of the current crime. This has led to confusion in the practice of establishing standards and the scope of application for existing crimes. Throughout the world's laws, the laws of many countries clearly define the connotation of the current crime. Due to the fact that the current crime cases are different from ordinary criminal cases, the general criminal facts of such cases are clear, and the evidence is relatively sufficient. Therefore, it is obviously not in line with the value goal of litigation efficiency to apply the ordinary procedure to the current crime cases, nor is it conducive to the protection of the human rights of the criminal suspects. In view of this, it is necessary for our country to learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries in the legislation of the current crime. To establish the special procedure of handling the current crime cases in our country. In the process of constructing the procedure of prompt decision of the current crime case, we should pay attention to the influence of the prosecution mechanism of the special illegal act in our country. And whether the procedure of prompt decision is contrary to the principle of presumption of innocence. Firstly, this paper introduces the provisions and existing problems of the current crime in our country, and then draws lessons from the legislative experience of foreign countries on the current crime. It establishes its own definition of the concept of current crime. Secondly, it combs the historical development of the current criminal procedure. Finally, the author makes a comparative study of the current crime handling procedures in several countries, and then evaluates and summarizes the present situation of handling the current crime cases in our country. Finally, it puts forward how to construct the handling procedures of the current crime cases in our country. And the problems that should be paid attention to in the process of construction.


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