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发布时间:2018-03-26 14:42

  本文选题:司法机关释宪 切入点:原旨主义 出处:《社会科学战线》2013年09期

[Abstract]:The system of judicial interpretation has become an important part of American constitutionalism, and it has always faced a dilemma in the system. How to interpret the constitution is not only related to methodology, It is even more important to respond to the challenges posed by the judicial system of constitutional interpretation. Fundamentalism suggests that upholding the constitutional tenor is a safeguard of the supremacy of the constitution. Moreover, the objective and sole purpose of the Constitution can avoid the judicial organs from overstepping the limits of the Constitution in the process of interpretation of the Constitution, thus undermining the checks and balances of the three powers. At the same time, the objective and unique nature of the original constitutional intent also makes the judicial organs keep self-restraint when the provisions of the Constitution are not clear. Avoiding the suppression of contemporary democracy and dispelling the anti-democratic nature of the judicial system of constitutional interpretation itself. But the premise of this argument, the objective uniqueness of the original tenor, was dispelled by itself in the course of the development of fundamentalism, This self-deconstruction leads to the failure of fundamentalist defense, which comes from the development of hermeneutics, but the deeper reason comes from the compromise that fundamentalism has to make in response to social changes.
【作者单位】: 吉林大学法学院;吉林大学马克思主义学院;


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