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发布时间:2018-03-27 11:46

  本文选题:司法审查权 切入点:对话理论 出处:《当代法学》2017年06期

[Abstract]:The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region, in exercising their power of judicial review, especially in cases where legislation on human rights protection is reviewed, are often guided by judicial activism. This not only makes it possible for the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region to become adjudicators of political disputes, Objectively, it is also possible to change the established power structure of the basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region. Although there have been doubts about whether the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region enjoy the right of judicial review and the legitimacy of the power of judicial review, However, the practice of judicial review has already existed objectively. Based on this fact, this paper suggests that the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region can exercise the power of judicial review on the basis of the theory of dialogue. In order to achieve the purpose of restraining the excessive judicial initiative of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region, the power of judicial review has become a systematic method in keeping with the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region in solving problems.
【作者单位】: 南开大学法学院;


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