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发布时间:2018-03-28 04:29

  本文选题:侦查阶段 切入点:公安民警 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:刑讯逼供作为一种古老而野蛮的讯问手段,在中国有着悠久的历史传统。从我国古代的西周开始,刑讯行为一直合法存在,直至清末才逐渐被法律所禁止。但时至今日,在我国司法实践中刑讯逼供问题仍严重存在。由于刑讯逼供这一“司法顽疾”是我国实现程序正义和司法公正的最大障碍,也是我国构建法治环境与和谐社会的最大阻力。因此,“禁止刑讯,保障人权”成为了我国司法人员当前乃至未来的一项法治重任。笔者作为一名法学学子,亦应担起此项重任。针对我国侦查阶段公安民警刑讯逼供屡禁不止的现状,笔者通过参阅前人的研究成果,结合警察职务犯罪预防理论,从刑讯逼供的概念及其历史渊源入手,仔细分析在其屡禁不止的原因及其在侦查阶段与时俱变的特点,借鉴国外的成功经验,从而提出了系统全面的防范对策。具体内容如下: 第一部分,刑讯逼供的概述。笔者从刑讯逼供的概念、历史渊源入手,,研究中外刑讯逼供的文义解释、历史演进过程,使读者对刑讯逼供有了初步了解,并为后文展开作出铺垫。 第二部分,刑讯逼供的司法认定。针对我国公安民警在侦查阶段,为了快速获取口供,常常对犯罪嫌疑人、证人、违法人员(卖淫女、小偷)进行打骂、威胁、体罚的现状,笔者从刑讯逼供的表现形式及其特点展开分析,对刑讯逼供罪与刑讯逼供行为做出了严格的区分,使警察的刑讯逼供行为有了明确的定性。 第三部分,刑讯逼供的原因。刑讯逼供问题是一个复杂的问题,其屡禁不止的原因也是多方面的。笔者在前人研究的基础上,参考警察职务犯罪的原因,结合我国警察刑讯逼供的现状,从客观原因(政治因素、经济因素、文化因素、环境因素、管理因素、制度因素)与主观原因(思想因素、文化素质因素、心理因素)两大方面对我国刑讯逼供屡禁不止的原因进行全面的分析论述,为后文制定刑讯逼供的防范对策奠定了基础。 第四部分,防范刑讯逼供的对策。笔者针对我国警察刑讯逼供的特点、原因,借鉴国外的成功经验,从权利保障、权利救济、权力制约、警察监督、警察整风五方面提出防范建议,从而为我国“遏制刑讯、保障人权”的法治建设提供了崭新的理论依据。
[Abstract]:Extorting confessions by torture, as an ancient and barbarous means of interrogation, has a long historical tradition in China. Since the Western Zhou Dynasty in ancient China, torture has been lawful until the end of the Qing Dynasty, but it has been prohibited by law until the end of the Qing Dynasty. In the judicial practice of our country, the problem of extorting confessions by torture is still serious. As the "judicial malady" of extorting confessions by torture is the biggest obstacle to the realization of procedural justice and judicial justice in our country. Therefore, "forbidding torture and protecting human rights" has become an important task for our judicial personnel to rule by law at present and even in the future. In view of the current situation of the police in the investigation stage of our country, the author begins with the concept and historical origin of extorting confessions by torture by referring to the previous research results and combining with the theory of police duty crime prevention. This paper carefully analyzes the causes of repeated prohibition and its changing characteristics in the investigation stage, draws lessons from the successful experience of foreign countries, and puts forward systematic and comprehensive preventive countermeasures. The specific contents are as follows:. The first part is an overview of extorting confessions by torture. The author begins with the concept and historical origin of extorting confessions by torture, studies the interpretation of the literal meaning and historical evolution of confessions by torture at home and abroad, and makes readers have a preliminary understanding of extorting confessions by torture. And to lay the groundwork for later development. The second part, judicial cognizance of extorting confessions by torture. In order to obtain confessions quickly, in order to obtain confessions quickly, the police officers of our country often beat and scolded, threatened and corporal punishment the suspects, witnesses, lawbreakers (prostitution women, thieves) in the investigation stage. Based on the analysis of the forms and characteristics of extorting confessions by torture, the author makes a strict distinction between the crime of extorting confessions by torture and the behaviors of extorting confessions by torture, which makes the behavior of extorting confessions by torture clear qualitative. The third part, the reasons of extorting confessions by torture. The problem of extorting confessions by torture is a complex problem, and the reasons for repeated prohibition are also various. The author, on the basis of previous studies, refers to the causes of crimes committed by police officers. Combined with the current situation of police extortion of confessions by torture in China, the objective reasons (political factor, economic factor, cultural factor, environmental factor, management factor, institutional factor) and subjective reason (ideological factor, cultural quality factor) are analyzed. Psychological factors) two aspects of our country to torture the reasons for repeated prohibition of the comprehensive analysis of the future for the formulation of preventive measures for torture of confessions laid a foundation. In the fourth part, the author aims at the characteristics and reasons of police extorting confessions by torture in our country, draws lessons from the successful experience of foreign countries, from the rights guarantee, the right relief, the power restriction, the police supervision, The five aspects of the police rectification movement put forward preventive suggestions, thus providing a new theoretical basis for the rule of law construction of "containing torture and protecting human rights" in our country.


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