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发布时间:2018-03-28 05:06

  本文选题:刑事附带民事诉讼 切入点:调解制度 出处:《吉林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国刑事附带民事诉讼制度在实践运用中正面临着立法与实践脱节的困境,本应作为节约诉讼成本、减少诉累的制度,反而引起了缠讼等问题,不仅降低了诉讼效率,甚至加深了当事人之间的矛盾。面对这一困境,理论界展开了关于该制度存废问题的探讨,而实务界则是自生自发地进行了改革附带民事诉讼制度的探索,运用调解制度解决附带民事纠纷。 从实践的效果来看,通过调节结案是目前弥补附带民事诉讼制度缺陷的最佳方案,并对缓解当事人之间的矛盾有着重要的意义:一方面,运用调解的方式解决附带民事纠纷并达成调解协议,被害人能够及时获得损害赔偿,解决了判决执行难的问题;被告人也可以通过积极履行赔偿义务,在一定情况下能够获取较轻的刑罚,既维护了双方当事人的合法权益,也能有效化解矛盾,实现“双赢”;另一方面,纠纷得到顺利解决,能够有助于诉讼效率的提高、减少诉累,节约司法成本,建立一个系统的调解机制势在必行。 本文从附带民事诉讼存在的问题着手,通过分析现有制度的不足与刑事附带民事诉讼调解的理论依据,并对比调解与判决、和解的差别,介绍了建立调解制度的必要性和可行性;针对如何正确处理好损害赔偿与量刑的关系以及结合附带民事诉讼调解制度的特殊性,探讨了调解制度适用的前提和应当遵循的原则;最后则是从调解程序的启动方式、适用范围、适用阶段、经调解可能产生的结果以及相关配套措施的完善五个方面,,对调解的具体适用问题展开了进一步的探讨。
[Abstract]:China's criminal incidental civil litigation system is facing the dilemma of disconnection between legislation and practice in its practical application. It should be regarded as a system of saving litigation costs and reducing litigation tired.On the contrary, it has caused problems such as litigation, which not only reduces the efficiency of litigation, but also reduces the efficiency of litigation. It even deepens the contradiction between the parties. In the face of this dilemma, the theoretical circle has launched a discussion on the issue of the retention and abolition of the system, while the practical circles have spontaneously carried out the exploration of reforming the system of incidental civil action. The use of mediation system to resolve incidental civil disputes. From the point of view of practice effect, it is the best scheme to remedy the defects of incidental civil action system by adjusting the settlement of the case, and it has important significance to alleviate the contradiction between the parties: on the one hand, By means of mediation to resolve incidental civil disputes and reach an agreement on mediation, the victim can receive compensation for damages in time, and the problem of difficult execution of the judgment can be resolved; the defendant may also actively perform the obligation of compensation, Under certain circumstances, the lighter penalty can be obtained, which not only preserves the legitimate rights and interests of both parties, but also effectively resolves contradictions and realizes "win-win situation". On the other hand, the smooth resolution of disputes can help to improve the efficiency of litigation. It is imperative to reduce litigation tiredness, save judicial cost and establish a systematic mediation mechanism. This article begins with the problems existing in incidental civil action, through the analysis of the deficiency of the existing system and the theoretical basis of the mediation of criminal incidental civil action, and compares the difference between mediation and judgment, reconciliation, etc. This paper introduces the necessity and feasibility of establishing mediation system, discusses the application premise and principles of mediation system in view of how to correctly handle the relationship between compensation for damages and sentencing and the particularity of mediation system in incidental civil proceedings. Finally, from five aspects of the starting mode, the scope of application, the applicable stage, the possible results of mediation and the improvement of relevant supporting measures, the paper further discusses the specific application of mediation.


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