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发布时间:2018-03-28 08:41

  本文选题:行政诉讼 切入点:逾期举证 出处:《行政论坛》2013年04期

[Abstract]:Under the current rules of the defendant's time limit of proof, the criterion of determining the validity of the defendant's late proof is monistic, that is, the main problem in the application of the standard of one element is that the administrative act of the accused is revoked only on the grounds of the defendant's late proof. It may also harm the public interest or the legitimate rights and interests of the third party. The reasons that lead to the dilemma of the application of the unitary standard are as follows: first, the burden of proof in the sense of behavior or the burden of proof in the sense of result; second, the wrong value orientation of the choice of sanctions; The third is that it is not appropriate to use the presumption. Therefore, the defendant in administrative litigation violates the rule of the time limit of proof, and can not always be regarded as having no corresponding evidence for the specific administrative act being sued. The validity of determining the late proof of the defendant in administrative proceedings is determined. It should also be considered whether the defendant's proof is overdue and whether the evidence has been collected at the time of the defendant's administrative act. When the dualistic criterion for the determination of the defendant's late evidentiary effect is applied, It is necessary to change the existing single sanction of "no corresponding evidence for the specific administrative act charged", to increase admonitions, fines, to make a judgment of confirming the violation of the proof or to put forward judicial suggestions, and so on.
【作者单位】: 安徽省社会科学院;


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