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发布时间:2018-03-28 08:21

  本文选题:刑事和解 切入点:商谈论 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of the theory of legal governance, the system of criminal reconciliation has become a hot topic in academic circles. With the help of the purpose of constructing a harmonious society, the theory of criminal reconciliation has shown a strong vitality. As a modern judicial system, it originated in the West. The construction of criminal reconciliation system in China is the basis of social theory with Chinese characteristics. In the Chinese traditional law civilization, "harmony thought" and "no lawsuit" give the social and cultural soil for the existence of criminal reconciliation system and attach importance to people. The harmonious state of man and nature provides the original footnotes for the current cooperative judicature. Chinese society is in the transition stage, to a certain extent, it is unfavorable to practice, the dispute resolution mechanism has played a very important role. This provides a realistic foundation for the system of criminal reconciliation. The current criminal policy of "combining leniency and severity" provides social policy support for the construction of the system. Habermas's theory of negotiation is the theoretical basis of the system of criminal reconciliation. The criminal reconciliation system is established and perfected on the basis of commercial discussion. At the same time, as an extension of commercial discussion in the field of legal theory, deliberative justice plays a guiding role in the criminal reconciliation system. It is of great significance to analyze the theoretical basis and perfect path of the system from the perspective of negotiation, which is of great significance for mastering the theoretical core of the system, as well as perfecting the legislation and judicial practice. The first chapter expounds the basic concepts of the criminal reconciliation system. The second chapter analyzes the theoretical basis of the criminal reconciliation system. Firstly, it expounds the connotation, the main intention, the basic principles and the relation between the criminal reconciliation system and Habermas' business discussion. Then it expounds the connotation, characteristics, value, division of different fields and its guiding role to the system of criminal reconciliation. The third chapter respectively from the applicable stage, the scope of application, the main body, The fourth chapter lists the problems existing in the criminal reconciliation system. The fifth chapter puts forward the corresponding perfect ways to solve the problems faced by the criminal reconciliation system.


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