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发布时间:2018-03-28 09:58

  本文选题:举证时限 切入点:法官自由裁量 出处:《西南政法大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The judge's discretion in the system of civil time limit of proof is a kind of freedom for judges to choose the consequences of late proof. This article begins with Article 65 of the current Civil procedure Law and the relevant provisions of the new judicial interpretation of the Supreme people's Court. Based on the present situation, this paper analyzes the problems of the judge's discretion in the system of the time limit of proof, and studies the relevant systems of other countries from the perspective of comparative law, taking the elements of the loss of power of evidence as the starting point. This paper, apart from the introduction and conclusion, is divided into four parts. The first part is mainly to raise questions. On the basis of briefly defining the system of the time limit of proof and the discretion of the judge, the significance of giving the judge discretion in the system of the time limit of proof is analyzed. The author points out the necessity of regulating the discretion of judges in the system. The second part is mainly about the analysis of the problems, including the second and third parts of the text. The first is to analyze the current situation of legislation and judicature in our country and other countries, and point out the problems in legislation and judicial practice. The second is to introduce the relevant provisions of other countries outside the country, and point out its reference significance for the establishment of this system in China. The third part is mainly to solve the problem. That is, how to regulate the discretion of judges in the system of the time limit of proof from the aspect of system perfection. The perfection of the system is mainly advanced from three aspects: first, the further improvement of the system of the time limit of proof, the perfection of the corresponding supporting system, the second, the perfection of the corresponding supporting system. Third, the supervision of the judge's discretion in the system of the time limit of proof.


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9 郑晨;论举证时限制度[D];华东政法大学;2009年

10 赵丹;我国举证时限制度研究[D];中国政法大学;2011年




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