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发布时间:2018-03-29 01:15

  本文选题:抗诉理由 切入点:抗诉权 出处:《人民检察》2015年23期

[Abstract]:In the criminal proceedings in our country, the procuratorial organ that brings the public prosecution has the right to protest against the judgment of first instance made by the court at the same level, and the procuratorial organ at the next higher level to examine whether the reasons for protest are correct or not, and to support the protest or withdraw the protest. The design of this system in which the procuratorial organs of the upper and lower levels jointly exercise the right of protest may be called the division of the right of protest. There is no problem in the design of the system when the procuratorial organs at the upper and lower levels agree on their opinions, but once the opinions of the two levels of procuratorial organs on the protest are different, In addition, when there are complex and difficult cases, the higher procuratorates have tremendous pressure to read papers, even resulting in difficulties in vetting
【作者单位】: 北京市人民检察院第一分院;


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